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Forum search

Jose Nov 8 '13
… OW_Route('search.indexquick', 'quickquery', "SEARCH_CTRL_Query", 'ajax_search_method'));      SEARCH_QUERY.PHP     class SEARCH_CTRL_Query extends OW_ActionController     {         public function ajax_search_method() & … More
Petar Šlat
Petar Šlat Nov 11 '13
Hi all, I need a little help getting some (any) widget to render on a custom built page.So far I understand how to make and route my custom page.Also I have no problem with making a widget and placing it on dashboard. I'm stuck with rendering a widget on my custom page. … More
Jose Nov 11 '13
Hi I want to add a new tab to the Groups page after the existing ones (Most popular, Latest, ...). My question is: do I need to uninstall the Groups plugin and create a new one with the same functionality plus the new tab? or it´s enough creating a widget for this tab without removing the existing Groups plugin? thanks More
Kяuncн Leader
Kяuncн Nov 15 '13
Preview character count is at 930 from Forum post on Newsfeed, I need to change/Lower this count, any ideas? More
UTAN Nov 21 '13
Hi guys and gals, I have a problem with an spammer posting obscene pictures , unfortunately he is using a proxy server and I can't ban him , he is able to changes to different ips on the fly... I have stopped a bit, making an specific roll for new users disabling the ability to post pics , … More
Dave S
Dave S Nov 25 '13
… of Friends from "My Profile" page (name.com/my-profile), but i don't know where is the location of this php/or html file for editing.  <div class="ow_box_cap ow_dnd_configurable_component clearfix"><div class="ow_box_cap_right"><div class="ow_box_cap_body"><h3 class=" … More
W.SNEIJDER Dec 3 '13
hello , Useralbums in "my picture albums" I added a button, but when I click the button nothing is happening. To make the modification is in ow_plugins / Photo / views / controllers / photo_user_albums.html please help me More
UTAN Dec 9 '13
Hi, I have got photo plugin to show toprated pictures in the photo page correctly, but if I place a Widget it shows latest instead of toprated... Now I been lurking in "photo_list_widget.php" and tried to set $menuItems['toprated'] array as 'active' => true , … More
dave Leader
dave Dec 13 '13
Several times now i have had moderaters argue about who did what regarding members.  So i came up with a very basic format. Disclaimer:  Yes this works but it is very basic, for now it only works when you delete a member. … More
Rick K
Rick K Dec 20 '13
My apologies if this topic is found elsewhere. I can't seem to bring it up in a search. I've successfully renamed a number of sections/pages, etc. on my site. However, I'm stuck in renaming "Your Dashboard". I'd like to rename it for each user, i.e.: … More
Mohammad Dec 23 '13
… WYSIWYG editor(forums,creating group) or in newsfeed,just textarea for comments(there is no way to get my code working here,all I can find are to class"base_cmnts_temp_cont and comments_fake_autoclick invitation" but they were useless)What I have to for get my code working?Thanks More
Ric Trunks
Ric Trunks Jan 10 '14
Mobile's newsfeed and desktop's newsfeed are different. Desktop's newsfeed shows everything. But mobile one's showing only friend's and following people's content. I want to see everything on mobile's newsfeed, just like as desktop. Is this possible? If it costs something, or if it's possible with a plugin, I can pay for that. More
Dulitha Jan 15 '14
Hi,  I have taken the following code from init.php file of the GConnect plugin. Please someone can explain this code to me. I want know how this code improve security of the system. function gconnect_add_access_exception( BASE_CLASS_EventCollector $e ) {$e->add(array('controller' => … More
Katrine Christensen
Katrine Christensen Jan 22 '14
I cannot access this from the admin-panel, so I have to edit the code. I have found coding for this real name-searchbox in ../ow_system_plugins/base/controllers/user_search.php, but I'm not sure what code to remove to stop showing the searchbox on the page? Help is much appreciated :) More
Mark Jan 26 '14
… .php The code change shown below merely requires changing the http to read https and you can see the modified code below in bold letters. class VideoProviderYoutube {     const clipUidPattern = '\/\/www\.youtube(-nocookie)?\.com\/(v|embed)\/([^?&"]+)[?&"]';  & … More
Kobe White
Kobe White Jan 29 '14
Hey, first off I like to say thanks for providing great software! So far its exactly what I am looking for. Now my question is; how would I go about showcasing featured videos on the front page of the site? My new site is more based around videos, … More
Michel Jan 30 '14
Hello, i want to give my moderator's some logo on the forum down their pic how can i do that? More
francesco Feb 4 '14
… pages and insert box WIDGET.  in this remains for me to insert "WIDGET CODE"which are those of oxwall, you can have a list?  <div class="ow_dnd_widget dashboard-CUSTOM_CMP_Custom_Widget"><div class="ow_box_cap ow_dnd_configurable_component clearfix"><div class=" … More
Fernando Valle
Fernando Valle Feb 17 '14
… action? I cant access to $form.  Index action and results action are in the same controller, so when I call submit everything restart in the class. Thanks. More
Jeroen Feb 23 '14
hello i need a littlebit of help i wanna develop the mobile page.. with username in the dashboard and newsfeed. i fix it in the desktop version    //  $field->setInvitation( OW::getLanguage()->text('newsfeed', 'status_field_invintation') );  $displayName = BOL_UserService: … More
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