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migration issue [Answered] | Forum

Alex Thorn
Alex Thorn Jun 17 '13

Hi there,


I just moved my community from on host to another and in the process changed the domain name, nightmare but finally got it all working.

Then I updated the Core files and now I can't seem to get it to show photos or any user photo albums.


Just can't get the photo albums working.


Is there a known fix for this?? and if now

how do I fix this and make sure you make your instructions 101 level and are very detailed.




The Forum post is edited by Alia Nov 24 '13
  screen_showing_missing_images.jpg (250.96Kb)
dave Leader
dave Jun 17 '13

I just went thru something similar moving from one script to oxwall, but no domain change.  But this still applies.


go thru your db, export a copy and open it in programmers notepad or notepad and do a search for your old domain name, you will be surprised how many places you find it.  Once you get that done everything should work.   That is pretty much all i had to do was change the db values where i found them, and there are quite a few.   And also make sure my config and my htaccess was set up properly as well as make sure the ow_userfiles has the right permissions.


Check the ow_userfiles permissions first because if that works then you wont have to do the rest of it.  

Alia Team
Alia Jun 18 '13
Alex, +1 to Dave's reply.
In addition.
1. make sure that "Photo" plugin is up to date as well.
2. make sure that 'photo' folder exists under

 Make sure that (777) permission are set to both ow_pluginfiles  folder and ow_userfiles ( permissions need to be set recursively, meaning that whatever you have within those two folders should have 777 permissions as well).

3. check whether photos are physically there under ow_userfiles/plugins/photo.

dave Leader
dave Jun 18 '13
That is good detail info Aliia, thanks :)
Alex Thorn
Alex Thorn Jun 22 '13

someone should build a Clone Tool / Migration Tool, you would sell a lot of them


dave Leader
dave Jun 22 '13
yep they prob would..  Did you get your issue resolved.
Alex Thorn
Alex Thorn Nov 24 '13

yes I've just been traveling working on other things, eventually I'm just going to use another them and move everything over via phpadmin

but till then I am too busy to work on it so I am just leaving it as is, I have a few different sites that are getting decent traffic so I am using those for data mining.