today my website is totally in skeleton view...
i dont know what happened.....
please can anyone help me....
look at my site
i'll try your thought...
You couild install a new oxwall into a seperate folder using a seperate database. Then take an export of your original one and import it into the new one. If it works then you will know your db and data is ok and you have a missing/corrupt file somehwere. Just a thought.
tats nice...i'll try tat
I bought a program called "goodsync pro" (£20) and configured it to sync my site via ftp each night (Only backs up the changed files)
I then created a script that would use mysqldump to download my database.
In the script I then did a bit of file moving and zipped it all up and dumped it into an archive folder on my PC. I do this each night at 4am. It beats paying for my host to do it nightly!
It can be done manually.
You can use filezilla to do the differential backup then run the script after it finishes. The will dump your site to your hard drive in a zip file.
You could use the cpanel backup but I needed an unnattended method I was in control of!
echo off
@echo Post sync backup starting now...
@echo Set the date variables up for the unique folder
Set mm=%DATE:~3,2%
Set dd=%DATE:~0,2%
Set yyyy=%DATE:~6,10%
set dmy=%yyyy%-%mm%-%dd%
@echo Variables created.
@echo Make the directories up for the nightly backup
mkdir %dmy%
cd %dmy%
mkdir site
mkdir db
@echo Directories created.
@Echo Backup the oxwall database, this will take a short while
cd dbexport
"c:\program files\mysql\mysqldump.exe" --host=YOURDATABASEHOST.COM -u YOURDBUSERNAME -pYOURDBUSERPASSWORD --databases YOURDATABASENAME > %dmy%.sql
@echo Database dump created and downloaded.
@echo copy the created sql to the backup folder
copy *.sql d:\SITEBACKUP\backups\%dmy%\db
@echo Database placed in temp folder.
@echo Backup the site files, copy the site to the backup folder
xcopy d:\SITEBACKUP\sync /e d:\SITEBACKUP\backups\%dmy%\site
@echo Site files downloaded.
@echo Archive the backup folder
"c:\program files\winrar\rar.exe" a -ag d:\SITEBACKUP\backups\%dmy%
@echo Database and files archived.
copy *.zip d:\SITEARCHIVE
rmdir /s /q backups
mkdir backups
@echo Remove the db
cd dbexport
del *.sql
@echo finished, press any key to quit.
sleep 30