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Skeleton view..lost all backgrounds | Forum

Michael Mike
Michael Mike Jun 18 '11
today my website is totally in skeleton view...
i dont know what happened.....
please can anyone help me....

look at my site
The Forum post is edited by Michael Mike Jun 18 '11
ma3ih Club
ma3ih Jun 18 '11
i think your css is gone
check ow_static/theme/your theme
see css file is there or not
Michael Leader
Michael Jun 18 '11
reupload your themes as well just in case something got corrupt/deleted
Michael Mike
Michael Mike Jun 18 '11
base.css is fine in macabre...i will just try reuploading it.....
Michael Mike
Michael Mike Jun 18 '11
it didn work....i reuploaded the theme....it didn work...
The Forum post is edited by Michael Mike Jun 18 '11
Den Team
Den Jun 20 '11
Hello Michael.
It seems that there a re some troubles with loading CSS/Image resources on your site. Would you try to view page's source and click on any CSS link? What will you receive in your browser?
Michael Mike
Michael Mike Jun 21 '11
i didn show anything....so i tried to copy the url and pasted it in address bar...it throwed a 404 error...

Michael Leader
Michael Jun 21 '11
You couild install a new oxwall into a seperate folder using a seperate database. Then take an export of your original one and import it into the new one. If it works then you will know your db and data is ok and you have a missing/corrupt file somehwere. Just a thought.
Michael Mike
Michael Mike Jun 22 '11
Quote from Michael
You couild install a new oxwall into a seperate folder using a seperate database. Then take an export of your original one and import it into the new one. If it works then you will know your db and data is ok and you have a missing/corrupt file somehwere. Just a thought.

i'll try your thought...
Michael Mike
Michael Mike Jun 25 '11
@michael...i just changed the server path in my web hosting...i dont know how everthing became ok.....but what if this happens again....how could that happen.....
The Forum post is edited by Michael Mike Jun 25 '11
Michael Leader
Michael Jun 25 '11
I hate technology. It has a way of doing things that are seemingly impossible

Keep backing up!!!
Michael Mike
Michael Mike Jun 25 '11
backing up with oxwall exporter plugin?
Michael Leader
Michael Jun 26 '11
I bought a program called "goodsync pro" (£20) and configured it to sync my site via ftp each night (Only backs up the changed files)

I then created a script that would use mysqldump to download my database.
In the script I then did a bit of file moving and zipped it all up and dumped it into an archive folder on my PC. I do this each night at 4am. It beats paying for my host to do it nightly!

It can be done manually.
You can use filezilla to do the differential backup then run the script after it finishes. The will dump your site to your hard drive in a zip file.
You could use the cpanel backup but I needed an unnattended method I was in control of!
The Forum post is edited by Michael Jun 26 '11
Michael Mike
Michael Mike Jul 5 '11
Quote from Michael

I bought a program called "goodsync pro" (£20) and configured it to sync my site via ftp each night (Only backs up the changed files)

I then created a script that would use mysqldump to download my database.

In the script I then did a bit of file moving and zipped it all up and dumped it into an archive folder on my PC. I do this each night at 4am. It beats paying for my host to do it nightly!

It can be done manually.

You can use filezilla to do the differential backup then run the script after it finishes. The will dump your site to your hard drive in a zip file.

You could use the cpanel backup but I needed an unnattended method I was in control of!

tats nice...i'll try tat
Michael Leader
Michael Jul 5 '11
I will certainly send you the script.... When I get a minute I will paste it up here for all to use.

Haha! Just noticed!!! "I need an unattended method I was in control of!"

Oh the irony!
Michael Leader
Michael Jul 5 '11
OK here it is...

I have a PC sitting in my Garage, Windows 7

This is set up assuming you use a second drive for your storage and it is your "D:\" drive.

I have a second drive in my PC and I have created 2 folders.



Within SITEBACKUP I have 3 folders,




I purchased and installed Goodsync. (Purchased option gives you the ability to run scripts after sync)


I also installed MYSQLWORKBENCH (google it) so I could get mysqldump.exe

AND WINRAR, (google that too)

I setup a SYNC job as follows...


Left hand side D:\SITEBACKUP\SYNC


Sync Direction, One way right to left

Forced Copy

Propegate Deletions Checked

Read Only Source Side Checked

Clean_up_saved_folder after this many days Checked (30)

Clean_up_History_folder after this many days Checked (30)

Estimate Disk Space required for Sync Checked

Reconnect folders automatically, attempts Checked (3)

File Copy Speed Limit in KByte/sec 0

Display balloon messages On Conflicts and Errors


I left everything here blank.


The only thing I have here checked is the:

Scheduled; Logged in Mode (Attended) Checked

and configured for 4am Daily. You can pick unattended if you like. Depends on what works for you.

Make sure "Do Not Sync if changed more than " is set to 100%

Automatically resolve conflicts Right to Left.


This is where you enter in the database batch file.

In Post SYNC Email or Program enter d:\SITEBACKUP\Batch,bat

Click OK once done and you are int eh main window.

Local on the left and remote on the right.

Go ahead and press ANALYSE

OK the script...

Quote from code
echo off



@echo Post sync backup starting now...

@echo Set the date variables up for the unique folder

Set mm=%DATE:~3,2%

Set dd=%DATE:~0,2%

Set yyyy=%DATE:~6,10%

set dmy=%yyyy%-%mm%-%dd%

@echo Variables created.

@echo Make the directories up for the nightly backup

mkdir %dmy%

cd %dmy%

mkdir site

mkdir db

@echo Directories created.

@Echo Backup the oxwall database, this will take a short while



cd dbexport

"c:\program files\mysql\mysqldump.exe" --host=YOURDATABASEHOST.COM -u YOURDBUSERNAME -pYOURDBUSERPASSWORD --databases YOURDATABASENAME > %dmy%.sql

@echo Database dump created and downloaded.

@echo copy the created sql to the backup folder

copy *.sql d:\SITEBACKUP\backups\%dmy%\db

@echo Database placed in temp folder.

@echo Backup the site files, copy the site to the backup folder


xcopy d:\SITEBACKUP\sync /e d:\SITEBACKUP\backups\%dmy%\site

@echo Site files downloaded.

@echo Archive the backup folder


"c:\program files\winrar\rar.exe" a -ag %dmy%.zip d:\SITEBACKUP\backups\%dmy%

@echo Database and files archived.

copy *.zip d:\SITEARCHIVE


rmdir /s /q backups

mkdir backups

@echo Remove the db

cd dbexport

del *.sql


@echo finished, press any key to quit.

sleep 30


Your analyse in goodsync should have finished, go ahead and press SYNC to get the first copy of your site down.

I have attached the script and the "Sleep.exe program" (I can't rememebr why I put it in.)

Save them to the folder d:\SITEBACKUP

What this does is use goodsync to do an incremental backup of your site on a schedule to a folder. Once it has sync'd it will take a dump from your host using mysqldump (assuming you have allowed remote access to your db) and store it using a unique datetimestamp as it's name.

It stores it in a folder. Then the script will take your site files and the dbase dump and zip them up and store in the archive folder. Note, your SYNC folder is left alone so subsequent sync's will be faster as it will only download changed data!

It isn't perfect but it works for me.
The Forum post is edited by Michael Jul 5 '11
  batch.txt (1.29Kb)
  sleep.zip (1.88Kb)
Michael Leader
Michael Jul 5 '11
To just use a manual backup method, you can use Filezilla to do a download of your site making sure overwrite if file is different size or newer is set then run the batch file for the db dump and zip operation. You may be better using cpanel to get your db dump download as well.
Michael Mike
Michael Mike Jul 12 '11
no way...skeleton thing started again.....wat can i do michael....i saw all the script thing u wrote above....am not a pro jus a school student....can this skeleton thing be fixed..
Michael Leader
Michael Jul 13 '11
OK what I would be doing in this situation is to use a program (syncback pro or goodsync, personally I like goodsync, both paid) and from a backup I have taken from a working state and compare with now. That way I can quickly see what has changed and see what files are missing. Then try and replace those files.

You can PM me and we can start chatting on MSN/GTALK or something and we will get you up and running and maybe see what is happening to the site to keep breaking. I will chat with you about how to use the script thing and filezilla .
Aqsa Bibi
Aqsa Bibi Sep 3
I think you missed to integrate the css file for it,just as my client car parking multiplayer 2 free acc was having the issue,make sure you have integrated it have the same name of files.
The Forum post is edited by Aqsa Bibi Sep 3
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