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adding type to {style} | Forum

dave Leader
dave Oct 11 '13

Hi i noticed when i ran the w3c validation that the {style} was not assigned a "type=" in side of  ow_system_plugins/base/views/controllers/user_standard_sign_in.html


i found that in ow_core/html_document.php you have this function


 public function addStyleDeclaration( $style, $media = 'all', $priority = null )
        $media = trim(mb_strtolower($media));

        $styleHash = crc32($style);

        if ( in_array($styleHash, $this->styleDeclarations['hash']) )
            return $this;

        $priority = ($priority === null) ? 1000 : (int) $priority;

        $this->styleDeclarations['hash'][] = $styleHash;

        $this->styleDeclarations['items'][$priority][$media][] = $style;

        return $this;


should we not be using or adding type="text/css"  as well in the array to build $style ?


Alia Team
Alia Oct 14 '13
Dave, we have discussed this earlier here http://www.oxwall.org/forum/topic/11451
We have not checked our script for w3c validation. We will do some time in future, but not now.

If you would like to you can go ahead and add a change yourself in the file you have mentioned.