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Facebook login bug [Answered] | Forum

Kevin Nov 20 '13
For Facebook log in, I have to click log in again every time i re-open the browser.

It won't remember the session even i clicked the remember tick box

The Forum post is edited by Alia Dec 12 '13
Alia Team
Alia Nov 21 '13
Kevin, seems like your browser is set so that when you close it all sessions and cookies are lost.
You just need to set up your cookies. http://www.aboutcookies.org/page-1
Kevin Nov 21 '13
Quote from Aliia Kevin, seems like your browser is set so that when you close it all sessions and cookies are lost.
You just need to set up your cookies. http://www.aboutcookies.org/page-1

But than I goes to other site with the same browser, the kept me log in all the time, even with facebook log in on other site works, but not oxwall

I am using default chrome settings, If I have to change my settings, other needs to as well

so I think the plug-in should improve not the user should change, else what is the point of web site

thanks for your comment~

Alia Team
Alia Nov 25 '13
Kevin, any chance you can give your site URL? ( may be in PM)
Kevin Nov 25 '13
Quote from Aliia Kevin, any chance you can give your site URL? ( may be in PM)

I've sent you a pm

also that one of the user said they can not register when their facebook name contain hyphen(-)

I don't have a facebook account that is with hyphen to test out!

Alia Team
Alia Nov 25 '13
Hi Kevin, PMed you back.

What do your users get ? Do they receive blank white or 500phtml page?
Alia Team
Alia Dec 12 '13
Update for those facing similar issue:

Within our script, cookies are set to expire when the browser session ends. That is how the software was originally designed. And it is up to the user to choose when this "end" comes in his browser's settings.
Here are Chrome's settings (settings>>privacy>>content settings). "Allow local data to be set"- is usually checked by default and  means that even if your close the browser, cookies will not be lost.

Most likely 9gag and some other sites you are using were developed in another way.
Each browser has different default settings.
At this moment we are not planning to change the way script works with regards to cookies.
But will keep this in mind for future updates.