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How to show the user image instead uploading when creating new EVENT | Forum

Umarzhon Dec 3 '13
Hi everybody, can someone please help me with the event feature. 

I want as on snapshots attached. For example, When people search or look into events, instead of photo uploading, I want to be displayed the user's photo automatically and users do not need to waste their time and upload the photo. Thank you very much.
  pix1.jpg (274Kb)
  pix2.jpg (359.68Kb)
ross Team
ross Dec 3 '13
Topic was moved from General Questions.
Daisy Team
Daisy Dec 19 '13
It's possible, but as the custom code modification only. To show the event owner avatar instead of the event image you shoud make changes in the following file:  /ow_plugins/event/bol/event_service.php