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Errors since moving database | Forum

Southy Apr 2 '14
Hi i was wondering if anyone knows the answer to the following issues 

i moved from one domain to another but on the same server,

i installed the mysql correctly and edited the config.php correctly to reflect the new database however im now seeing the following errors

See website 

they include no login button being clickable,

no avatars or pictures

and also all the local pages seem to have gone awol whilst the local pages arent a problem the login and pictures are,

any help would be great

ross Team
ross Apr 2 '14
Have you set 777 permissions for these folders: 

ow_pluginfilesow_userfiles,ow_static,ow_smarty/template_c ? 

Southy Apr 3 '14
Yes i have managed to solve this problem by going into DEV mode,

 however none of the images transfered is this normal?

ross Team
ross Apr 3 '14
have you transferred the above mentioned folders as well?