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Doesn't work with 1.6 [Solved] - Google Analytics | Forum

Guido Jun 4 '14
It shows me an error in the footer
The Forum post is edited by Oxwall Software Jun 25 '14
  oxwall-erreur.png (6.58Kb)
Oxwall Software
Oxwall Software Jun 5 '14
Guido, are you sure it comes from the plugin? Because we have tried to reproduce it, but no luck. Also 1.6.
Can you please provide a screenshot with the plugin settings page?
Guido Jun 5 '14
Thanks for your answer. It's for sure it comes from the plugin, because if I disable the plugin le message is not there.
I hope really you can help me. I need statistiques for my site.

  google_analytics.jpg (177.22Kb)
Oxwall Software
Oxwall Software Jun 11 '14
Guido, I see from the screenshot that the update to 1.6. has not been successfully completed. Please do the update again, there are a lot of topic related to this problem in General section and in Bug reports section of the forum. I believe that is the problem
Guido Jun 12 '14
It works now. Thanks for the answer
Oxwall Software
Oxwall Software Jun 25 '14
Great. I'm going to mark this post as Solved.
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