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How do you install Oxwall using HTTPS without a double redirect? | Forum

Lloyd Merithew
Lloyd Merithew Oct 24 '10
I have successfully install Oxwal 1.0 beta 5 on Centos 5 with Apache 2.2 using the default install under http.

But if I try to do a new clean new install using https, the installation will fail with the error of a double redirect.


There are NO redirects in the httpd.conf and it has "AllowOverride all".

There appears to be an issue with the .htaccess file?

Could you provide an explanation of what the rules and conditions are doing?

Is there somewhere else I should look to solve this problem?

Thanks, Lloyd
Den Team
Den Oct 25 '10

Try to comment this lines on .htaccess:

RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} .*/http-bind
RewriteRule (.*) /http-bind [L]
The Forum post is edited by Den Oct 25 '10
Lloyd Merithew
Lloyd Merithew Oct 25 '10

Commented out the two lines and got this error message:

Not Found

The requested URL /oxwall/install/requirements was not found on this server.
Apache/2.2.3 (CentOS) Server at www.myserver.com Port 443
Lloyd Merithew
Lloyd Merithew Oct 26 '10

The issue is with this code from /ow_core/application.php

public function redirect( $redirectTo = null )
// if empty redirect location -> current URI is used
if ( $redirectTo === null )
$redirectTo = OW::getRequest()->getRequestUri();

// if URI is provided need to add site home URL

**** Since the URL has "" instead of "" this next line causes a redirect

if ( !strstr($redirectTo, '') )

**** Since OW_URL_HOME = complete url and $redirectTo = complete url, a double redirect is created by this line.

$redirectTo = OW_URL_HOME.UTIL_String::removeFirstAndLastSlashes($redirectTo);


Den Team
Den Oct 26 '10
Good job Lloyd!
Al Nov 3 '10
I have completed the install, and I was able to run it, however after submitting, I keep getting redirects that will not allow me to proceed???? This is nuts help!

This is how my file appears

public function redirect( $redirectTo = null )
// if empty redirect location -> current URI is used
if ( $redirectTo === null )
$redirectTo = OW::getRequest()->getRequestUri();

// if URI is provided need to add site home URL
if ( !strstr($redirectTo, '') )
$redirectTo = OW_URL_HOME . UTIL_String::removeFirstAndLastSlashes($redirectTo);

Den Team
Den Nov 21 '11
Topic was moved from Bug reports and troubleshooting.
Crystal Nov 30 '11
Any help when I try to log into the site a get too many redirects loop error.
  loop.gif (31.29Kb)
Vince Dec 27 '11
Has anyone figured this out yet? I just went to https for security purposes and now I'm stuck with a link that looks like http://whatever.com/https://whatever.com when I try to create internal links.

The terms of use now point to http://mysocialroom.com/...oom.com/terms-of-use

It still displays fine, but it sure looks very unprofessional


My config file even has the https added to it so I'm totally confused
Den Team
Den Dec 28 '11
Did you change SITE_URL in ow_includes/config.php file from to ?
Vince Dec 28 '11
I've changed the config file to show that it's an https address, but in my footer links it's still duplicating the site address followed by the new address.

It's only happening with the pre-installed links so I'm a little lost. ie terms of use, privacy

Update while typing this....

In the Pages and Menus section, in the URL you just have to put the name of the internal link. When you put http://whatever.com/page, it will throw that error into the mix. Keep in mind that this is only for internal links.

If you mess with the config file and start the address with https://www. your going to run into a URL loop which is rather silly in my opinion. You have to leave the address as h ttps:// in order for it to work on a secure domain.
The Forum post is edited by Vince Dec 28 '11
Vince Dec 29 '11
Ok this didn't work out so well.

I keep getting caught in a loop that more or less gives a 404 error message. Well not really a 404 but it may as well be.

If you click on anything outside of my site such as a confirmation email, it goes to https://mysite.com/https://www.mysite.com/404

As you can see, that's all one link :/

It would be nice if the developers could find a way around this. Out of all of my sites under the secure domain, this is the only one that's causing any issues.
Den Team
Den Dec 29 '11
When I visit your site https://whatever.com/ it gives me Apache 2 Test Page. Typically, if your SSL settings are well, all you need to do is to change  URL in config.php and rebuild cache by enabling DEV_MODE in config.php
The Forum post is edited by Den Dec 29 '11
Vince Dec 29 '11
Addenster, I've done both and I'm still caught in a loop.

If I leave it as just an http site I'm ok. As soon as I change it to https I run into problems.

Turning on Dev_Mode really didn't do anything either
Matthew Jan 26 '12

Looks like you haven't fixed this yet.  One thing that might help (might not) is that Apache will allow you to setup name-based vhosts for SSL sites...sort of.  First, it's likely that your default config has one already set up, so it's using that configuration info.  

Apache will only ever serve up the first listed ssl vhost in a config.  Or if you have apache load configs from a directory, it'll be the first one in there.  If your case is the latter, prefix that file with a 00_ and you should be fine, provided there isn't another 00_* for an ssl vhost.  If there is, rename it to 10_* (or anything higher than 00).  Let me know if this helps.
The Forum post is edited by Matthew Jan 26 '12
Puneet May 24 '13

I am using 1.5.3 version of oxwall and getting the same error..

I followed installation steps and also enabled mod_rewrite.

I am getting following error. Any suggestion or guidance will be appreciated.

Not Found

The requested URL /community/install/requirements was not found on this server.

Apache/2.2.22 (Ubuntu) Server at localhost Port 80
Alia Team
Alia May 30 '13
Puneet, try solutions listed here: http://www.oxwall.org/forum/topic/6514