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left side messages site mail issue [Solved] | Forum

dave Leader
dave Sep 14 '14

As you can see by the image the left side of the site internal mail is overlapping.  I am using macabre.  Anyone else have this issue.  Team can you duplicate this?

The Forum post is edited by ross Sep 22 '14
dave Leader
dave Sep 14 '14
Also here is another site i just updated, same issue.  The text is a hyperlink so somewhere it appears that a tag is not closed properly. 

dave Leader
dave Sep 14 '14

<script type="text/template" id="conversationItemPrototypeBlock">    

<div class="ow_mailbox_convers_info clearfix"> 

       <div class="ow_mailbox_avatar">            

<div class="ow_avatar">                

<a id="conversationItemAvatarProfileUrl"><img src="<%= avatarUrl %>" alt="" title="<%= shortUserData %>" style="max-width: 100%;" id="conversationItemAvatarUrl"></a> 



 <div class="ow_mailbox_convers_info_body">            

<div class="ow_mailbox_convers_info_string ow_small">                

<a id="conversationItemProfileUrl"><b><%= displayName %></b></a>

<div class="ow_mailbox_convers_info_date ow_small" id="conversationItemDateTime"><%= dateLabel %></div>

are you all using a new class for display vars i thought smarty was always {var}?   If your using a new template engine i thought maybe it might be the fact that you use % rather than } and it might be seeing the % in the style (100%;" ) as a template var call.   But i removed the % and same issue. 

Please advise... thanks 

The Forum post is edited by dave Sep 14 '14
ross Team
ross Sep 14 '14
Dave do you have badwords plugin?
dave Leader
dave Sep 15 '14
No Sir.   
ross Team
ross Sep 15 '14
We cannot reproduce that Dave, can I have your admin and FTP access details for this website, in PM, please?
dave Leader
dave Sep 15 '14
OK ross since you cant reproduce let me dig around a bit.  If i cant find anything ill shoot you the info later.  Thanks Ross... I will let you know if i find something or not by tomorrow.. 


ross Team
ross Sep 15 '14
dave Leader
dave Sep 16 '14
sorry ross didnt have time today, ill keep you posted as soon as i can. thanks
ross Team
ross Sep 16 '14
Sure, no rush:)
ross Team
ross Sep 16 '14
Dave, I spoke to Tammy, turns out she applied the images for the genders and she had the same problem as you. Please remove those images from the profile questions for gender question, if you still have them. This should solve the problem. 
dave Leader
dave Sep 18 '14
ok ill give it a shot thanks ross and tammy
tammy harris
tammy harris Sep 18 '14
hope you can find a fix for this dave it was cool mod
dave Leader
dave Sep 19 '14
got it.... put the span code in the admin lang and not the question.   Go to admin lang and search for male and then female

you will see they have  sex value 1  and sex value 2 as the key.  remember there are two places for each sex that you have to do, including transgender if you have that as well   

put the span code after the text for the gender and your messages will be just fine... 

you can also do the same for each of your astrology signs as well.    Every item that you have in questions also has a text assigned to it in lang.   

And there ya go.....   do i get a cookie for this lol   :)

here are the two posts to do this 




just do this in language not in the question itself.  That was my goof on the original post. 

ross tell the devs they are not suppose to be changing stuff so it exposes my mistakes dog gonnit LMAO 

The Forum post is edited by dave Sep 19 '14
dave Leader
dave Sep 20 '14
also here are a couple more that i had 

marriage  &#9901;

partner  &#9895;

roleplay RP 

The Forum post is edited by dave Sep 20 '14
ross Team
ross Sep 21 '14
Dave, I believe you resolved the issue, didn't you?
dave Leader
dave Sep 22 '14
Yes sir sorry about that, you can mark it solved... :)
ross Team
ross Sep 22 '14
dave Leader
dave Sep 22 '14
sorry ross my bad its back again, all i can think of is that it comes back after the cron runs because it was fine last night. 

so its not fixed, i will have to dig more.    too sad too bad, that bites..

sorry for wasting everyone's time. 

when im positive i have the fix (i will wait a day or two lol) then i will post here again.  

dave Leader
dave Sep 22 '14
ross i did some mod to it.   i think the span is the issue not the symbol.  i removed the span code and left the symbol and it appears to be ok, but lets wait till tomorrow.  

If ok tomorrow i will let you know its finally officially solved at that time...  thanks 

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