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Missing text [Answered] | Forum

Jocke Sep 25 '14

I just did a fresh installation of oxwall 1.7.1 and found out that I had 4 missing textentries.

{text key='base+local_page_meta_tags_page-119658'}
{text key='base+local_page_meta_tags_page_81959573'}

In ow_install\files\install.sql I see this:
INSERT INTO `%%TBL-PREFIX%%base_document` VALUES (3,'admin_pages','ADMIN_Pages','index',NULL,0,0),(23,'page-679283',NULL,NULL,'join',1,0),(39,'page-119658',NULL,NULL,'terms-of-use',1,0),(54,'page_81959573',NULL,NULL,'privacy-policy',1,0),(55,'mobile_page_14788567',NULL,NULL,'cp-55',1,1);

What are these used for?

And I also have these
{text key='friends+request_mail_html'}
{text key='friends+request_mail_txt'}

I can't find any referense to these in any file so are they used?

The Forum post is edited by ross Sep 25 '14
ross Team
ross Sep 25 '14
where do you see those missing keys? please provide a screenshot. 
Jocke Sep 25 '14
Here is a screenshot
  Capture.PNG (56Kb)
ross Team
ross Sep 25 '14
You can delete theme, they are not used. 

You can delete them via www.site.com/admin/dev-tools/languages

Jocke Sep 25 '14
Thank you for your quick response and solution :D
ross Team
ross Sep 25 '14
No problem
Jozko Sep 26 '14
I have 102 pages of missing text values in English (my default language) and some more pages in other languages. I think I get them by importing other languages. It is safe to delete those in English? If yes, it can be a loooong work deleting one by one. What about deleting them directly from database ow_base_language_value?

ross Team
ross Sep 28 '14
You will need to run a proper SQL query, choosing the missing values, separate them from those which are used by the software, if you know how, you're free to do that via database. 
Jozko Oct 8 '14
I'm not sure if I know how to separate those which are used by the software. Any sugestion?
ross Team
ross Oct 8 '14
Then delete them one by one.