Concerning GIF files animation:
It is not a conflict. In the native photo attachment system - it is working same way. It happens because all photo attachments are automatically added to photo albums.
It seems to be a Newsfeed bug in mobile version. I will add the bug to Oxwall roadmap or fix the issue from Attachment plugin. Anyway the issue will be fixed soon.
Upload an image does not work.
Already regret bought this plugin. Upload photos does not work. Sorry.
Please give me more details by the issue and I will help you.
What Oxwall version do you use? Do you get any errors while uploading images?
Could you give me your site url - I will check the issue and fix it.
Which browser do you use?
Try to clear browser cache.
Glad that the issue was solved and you like the plugin.
Можете послать мне сообщение с паролем к тестовому юзеру на вашем сайте. Мне нужно залогинеться что протестировать проблему.