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File socialshare.xml and socialsharing.xml | Forum

Eiji Hamano
Eiji Hamano Nov 16 '14

Please advice me.

1.  The socialshare.xml is a file of "Social media sharing" plug-ins?

    What is socialsharing.xml files for?  

    Is there for another plug-in in the store? Or is it  old version?

2.  Why the English value are empty in both files? Are you saying do not recommend?

3.  For example, only one person joined the site with Facebook Connect.

    All members will be able to post in the one person of the Facebook Connect.

    Is this a specification?

ross Team
ross Nov 17 '14
Eiji, what socialshare.xml file are you referring to?
Socialsharing.xml is a part of the lang.zip file and is needed to provide translation for the plugin. I just checked and it has values.
Eiji Hamano
Eiji Hamano Nov 17 '14

what socialshare.xml file are you referring to?
Can you export  English lang?  You can find socialshare.xml.

>  Socialsharing.xml is  ....  is needed to provide translation for the plugin.

OK.  Is it   "Social media sharing" plug-ins?

>  Socialsharing.xml is  ....  it has values

Yes, it has value.  But only KEY informations,  no  VALUE informations.

ross Team
ross Nov 18 '14

1. I just exported the lang dump for social sharing and the archive has only socialsharing.xml no socialshare.xml file. Do you get socialshare.xml when you export?

2. Yes, it for social media sharing plugin

3. It should look like this <key name = SOMETHING>><value>SOMETHING</value></key>. Provide screenshot of your file. 

Eiji Hamano
Eiji Hamano Nov 18 '14
1. Yes, I got socialshare.xml in both English and Japanese,

    And I got it French !!

2.  OK. Please advice me my original item 3. 

      For example, ,,  etc.

3.   No there is no <value>SOMETHING</value> in original English's nor 

>  Provide screenshot of your file. 


This is "social media sharing",item.


And this is "social share", see "Show:" item too. 


The Forum post is edited by Eiji Hamano Nov 18 '14
ross Team
ross Nov 18 '14

Eiji, when I say file I don't mean admin panel, please be more attentive. 

Try to reinstall the Social media sharing plugin, don't forget to delete it from Available plugin section. 

As to the Social share this is third-party plugin. 

By the way what are the permissions on ow_pluginfiles folder?

ross Team
ross Nov 18 '14
Topic was moved from General Questions.
Eiji Hamano
Eiji Hamano Nov 18 '14
>  Provide screenshot of your file. 

Oh--  what software you want for the files?  

I do not know your request is.  Please be more attentive. 

>  the archive has only socialsharing.xml no socialshare.xml file. 

You said no socialshare.xml file. Did You finde it?

>  Try to reinstall the Social media sharing plugin, 

No,  this is original, I said.

I didn't nothing yet at the site.

The Social media sharing plugin is still in AVAILABLE PLUGINS.

>  As to the Social share this is third-party plugin.

Would you advice me where it is?

>  By the way what are the permissions on ow_pluginfiles folder?

It's 777,   see follow.  



The Forum post is edited by Eiji Hamano Nov 18 '14
ross Team
ross Nov 18 '14
You get social share plugin in the list because you imported other langs from other website where this plugin has been installed. 

As to your issue with social media sharing

Right now, you need to reinstall your social media sharing plugin, reinstall completely by removing it from available section as well, download new plugin from the store and install it. 

Let us know if the issue persists with the empty values in the admin panel. 

Eiji Hamano
Eiji Hamano Nov 18 '14

> You get social share plugin in the list because...

Sorry?  Yes I uploaded Japanese lang pack form other site,  

but not uploaded English pack.

I don't know how to upload English lang pack.

So, why did  I get "social share plugin" by Japanese lang pack?   

Again,  the Social media sharing plugin is still in AVAILABLE PLUGINS at the site.

This site is not a question item 3 site.  Don't mix it please,

> download new plugin from the store and install it. 

Why it is not been published that?

We need to reinstall "social share plugin" from the store when we uploaded 

lang pack from which was installed "social share plugin"?

It's a word I do not understand.

The Forum post is edited by Eiji Hamano Nov 18 '14
ross Team
ross Nov 18 '14
It has nothing to do with the English pack, if you uploaded Japanese you probably chose all plugins in the import list, which is why you have social share plugin in the drop down list. 

I'm sorry I don't understand the rest of your request. Just follow the instructions I sent you before. 

Eiji Hamano
Eiji Hamano Nov 18 '14
No,  it is not migration site,  is a original 1.7.1 installed site.

Only I did that is uploading a Japanese lang pack.

Previous FTP image was wrong.  This is correct one.


The Forum post is edited by Eiji Hamano Nov 19 '14
ross Team
ross Nov 19 '14
Eiji, I don't think you understand what I wrote. 

You will need to reinstall the social share plugin to fix the issue with the empty lang values in the admin panel

Or you can try to import the langs.zip file from the plugin's folder

Eiji Hamano
Eiji Hamano Nov 20 '14

Why don't you recognize the empty lang at initial installed time?

ross Team
ross Nov 20 '14
I do recognize it, and I'm trying to provide a solution for you and you keep sending the messages and screenshots which has nothing to do with the issue


The Forum post is edited by ross Nov 20 '14
Eiji Hamano
Eiji Hamano Nov 21 '14

My machine resources has been limited.

If you can not be confirmed, I can not proceed.

Also it would mean that I have done some mistake.

So I can not install any new plug-in the way you say.

It is useless work on the machine having a mistake.

I do not want to repeat the same mistakes.

ross Team
ross Nov 21 '14
What mistake are you referring to?

It won't take much resources for reinstalling the plugin. 

Eiji Hamano
Eiji Hamano Nov 22 '14

I found this cause.

There are pitfalls at EXPORT LANGUAGES of non-English.

Example of Social Share)

 On EXPORT LANGUAGES, uploading non-English Lang file 

 which has all blank(Value are all "") of Social Share. 

 This will will cause the problem.

The problem procedure of Social Share)

 1) Installing 1.7.1.

    The "Social Share" of English Lang was not the present at this point.

 2) Uploaing above non-English Lang.

    The "Social Share" of English Lang was created at this point.

    But it is the state of all values are null.

 3) Getting "socialshare.zip" from the store. And uploade it.

    But "Social Share" of English Lang remains of all values null.

 4) At this point in the case of "Social media sharing".

    If we uninstall and re-install the plugin, the values reappear.

    But the case of "Social Share" because it is from the store,

    all values remains null.   


I want to understand the following.

a)  We are of non-English, 

    and we have a tendency to upload our language file  

    as soon as possible after we have installed.

b)  At first of new version, our language files are from previous version.

    That is a continuation file.

    Or, it was translated from another language file.

    Therefore the original file has much functionality.

    So Our language files contain many null values at some functions.  

This spread specs of this Lang file is not a problem in such a state?

The Forum post is edited by Eiji Hamano Nov 22 '14
ross Team
ross Nov 24 '14
as far as I remember you have Japanese language as a default. 

uninstall Social Share plugin

make English as a default language

make sure langs.zip file the socialshare.xml file has values in there. 

install Social share plugin again

If that does not work, you need to contact plugin developer to resolve this issue as this 3rd party plugin. 

Eiji Hamano
Eiji Hamano Nov 25 '14

OK the workarounds worked well.

It is just a workaround. Not a solution.

Thank you.