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Oxwall Troubleshooting SSL fixes | Forum

Kenneth Sep 21 '16

Quote from Morena Milani I talked to specialists and they told me that you can not solve the problem al100% because some pages remain in http and this will be seen. 
Recently there has been a video plug-in for OxWall called SPvideo lite.

This plugin gives you the option to force all videos https.

I have used it for a few months now and am really enjoying it's development.

As for other issues cloudflare offers support to convert http to https (it is free for now) in other departments such as fonts, images, links etc.

The reason I would suggest this as a temporary fix is that google will be rolling out red flags on mixed content sites soon. Cloud flare will be a temporary fix till sites start changing over to SSL.

Morena Milani
Morena Milani Oct 8 '16
Quote from Kenneth
Quote from Morena Milani I talked to specialists and they told me that you can not solve the problem al100% because some pages remain in http and this will be seen. 
Recently there has been a video plug-in for OxWall called SPvideo lite.

This plugin gives you the option to force all videos https.

I have used it for a few months now and am really enjoying it's development.

As for other issues cloudflare offers support to convert http to https (it is free for now) in other departments such as fonts, images, links etc.

The reason I would suggest this as a temporary fix is that google will be rolling out red flags on mixed content sites soon. Cloud flare will be a temporary fix till sites start changing over to SSL.

Kenneth ,as you use Cloud fare?
The Forum post is edited by Morena Milani Oct 8 '16
Kenneth Oct 8 '16

Quote from Morena Milani
Quote from Kenneth
Quote from Morena Milani I talked to specialists and they told me that you can not solve the problem al100% because some pages remain in http and this will be seen. 
Recently there has been a video plug-in for OxWall called SPvideo lite.

This plugin gives you the option to force all videos https.

I have used it for a few months now and am really enjoying it's development.

As for other issues cloudflare offers support to convert http to https (it is free for now) in other departments such as fonts, images, links etc.

The reason I would suggest this as a temporary fix is that google will be rolling out red flags on mixed content sites soon. Cloud flare will be a temporary fix till sites start changing over to SSL.

Kenneth ,as you use Cloud fare?
Yes, I use cloudflare

My Site:


Don't forget it only converts "NEW CONTENT" what this means is you need to give your site some time to totally convert to HTTPS as older posts would need to be changed manually.

What cloudflare's feature will do for new posts is convert them to https if someone uses http content. OxWall offers a cloudflare plug-in to help cloudflare work properly on each website. If cloudflare doesn't seem to be working right you would need to check with OxWall and Cloudflare to make sure you have it set up right but it's pretty easy to use and set up.

Morena Milani
Morena Milani Oct 8 '16
The CloudFlare plugin is in the list I have to create the right account? The Oxwall instructions correct? 
dave Leader
dave Oct 8 '16
The cloudflare plugin can also cause conflicts so if you have issues try disabling it to see if the issues are resolved.  Also if you have root access you can always set the server to always show https if available. 
Morena Milani
Morena Milani Oct 8 '16
Quote from dave The cloudflare plugin can also cause conflicts so if you have issues try disabling it to see if the issues are resolved.  Also if you have root access you can always set the server to always show https if available. 
To set the server I have to ask my hosting? because they have always confirmed to me that the problem is the CMS 
dave Leader
dave Oct 8 '16
Yeah the same with minify, it can cause issues with js as well. 
Morena Milani
Morena Milani Oct 10 '16
You are unable to resolve this issue once and for all? 
dave Leader
dave Oct 10 '16
I dont have any problems with SSL on my site.
Morena Milani
Morena Milani Oct 11 '16
Quote from dave I dont have any problems with SSL on my site.
I the problem is it since the certificate, if a user adds a picture or a link at http me the padlock disappears and my hosting has always confirmed to me that the problem is the CMS. Now with a specialist Upwork hope to solve 
dave Leader
dave Oct 11 '16
Yes that will work as well.   For me i just have mine forced to https via WHM but if you dont have WHM access then the cloudflare will work good or very close. 
Robert Cameron
Robert Cameron Jun 16 '17
One of the "tricks" you can use, if you have the time, is to drop the http: altogether from your links.  if they are //whatever.com/whatever apache will serve them up using either https or http depending on how the site was first accessed.
Hybrid Feb 14 '19

If anyone is still struggling with Mixed Content issues even after trying all the possible solutions provided on the Oxwall Forum, try this:

Why not just add this to your page settings "Custom Head Code" --> Go to Admin Dashboard --> Settings --> Page Settings --> Add this meta tag to your "Custom Head Code" section:

<meta http-equiv="Content-Security-Policy" content="upgrade-insecure-requests">

For a deeper understanding, please refer to the following: https://developers.google.com/...fixing-mixed-content

Rajesh Khatri
Rajesh Khatri Dec 27 '19
Thank you 


my video ssl proble solved ...

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