Many thanks again for the great work!
Many thanks again for the great work!
case 'featured': $clipFeaturedDao = VIDEO_BOL_ClipFeaturedDao::getInstance();
$query = "
SELECT `c`.*
FROM `" . $this->getTableName() . "` AS `c`
LEFT JOIN `" . $clipFeaturedDao->getTableName() . "`
AS `f` ON (`f`.`clipId`=`c`.`id`)
WHERE `c`.`status` = 'approved' AND `c`.`privacy` = 'Everybody' AND `f`.`id` IS NOT NULL ORDER BY `c`.`addDatetime` DESC LIMIT :first, :limit";
$qParams = array('first' => $first, 'limit' => $limit);
return $this->dbo->queryForObjectList($query, 'VIDEO_BOL_Clip', $qParams, $cacheLifeTime, $cacheTags);
The same rings true for latest videos, and so on. Is this by design or just an oversight?