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New theme on the market - opinion needed | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Development » Themes
Cool Themes
Cool Themes Feb 4 '15
Released a theme on OW market 2 weeks ago or so but didn't had too much time to promote it, take care of it and whatever.

Since this is my first theme, before I release my second one that should be even more awesome, I want to take care of everything. So, I want to give it to someone that wants to take it for a spin. For free, or almost free because I'm asking back a honest few words review about it, what's missing from it and maybe a rating on the market, be it a good one or not.  Thank you.

Theme page
  excity-example1.jpg (1623Kb)
Sean Feb 4 '15
Honestly it doesn't blend very well. Good for a first theme though. :)
Rev. Curt Guldenschuh
My wife loves whimsy.  She would love this theme.

Cool Themes
Cool Themes Feb 12 '15

Quote from Rev. Curt Guldenschuh My wife loves whimsy.  She would love this theme.

Hello,  You can download the teme  now. :)
Austeyr Feb 18 '15
looks really nice from screen shots, i like the colors , very pastel looking - cool theme..