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Admin Dashboard Themes | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Development » Themes
Spark Apr 25 '15
Are there any admin dashboard themes for download/purchase out there? If not, how do I customize the admin dashboard? Colors/Pictures/Custom Tabs or Pages
dave Leader
dave Apr 25 '15
Normally that is not advisable for the admin area, first because noone sees it but you its not public, and second because any changes you make will be overwritten when you update. 

Are you still interested in doing so?

Spark Apr 26 '15
Yes sir, I am looking into more admin in the admin area, I would like to customize it.
I am already on the latest update.
dave Leader
dave Apr 26 '15
not sure where the css is but i believe many of the html files are in 

ow_system_plugins/admin/views  folder

Spark Apr 27 '15
Is there a set date for release?