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How I can add new button to console_dropdown | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Support » General Questions
Younes Apr 25 '15
Hi  ,

from what I understand, we have 2 types console_dropdown (click or hover) 

how can I add new button click or hover.

Example : 

I would like to have the list :  message  xxxxxx notification yyyyy myprofile

tammy harris
tammy harris Apr 25 '15
theres a plugin in store i think called top link 
Taissa Team
Taissa May 5 '15
Younes, adding a new console button is considered as a custom code modification.  I can not provide you with detailed instructions. All I can just show you the direction. Currently myprofile displayed within the console comes from /ow_system_plugins/base/classes/console_event_handler.php file.
I also may suggest you search for the existing plugin in the Store. For example "TopLink" plugin. You may contact this plugin developer and ask him about compatibility or develop your own plugin.

If you are not familiar with the code modification or plugin development, it would be better for you to find a developer who can help you. You can do it here: http://www.oxwall.org/market/specialists .
The Forum post is edited by Taissa May 5 '15