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For those having trouble with the news feed in 1.3.2 | Forum

Mark Apr 4 '12
The error is being caused by the following piece of code in ow.js

attached is a patch file that works on my site, simply replace ow_static/plugins/base/js/ow.js with the attached code.

as always back-up the file before you do anything.

                url = $(this).attr("src");                wmode = "wmode=transparent";                if ( url.indexOf("?") != -1)                {                    $o.attr("src", url + "&" + wmode);                }                else                {                    $o.attr("src", url + "?" + wmode);                }

  ow.js.txt.txt (61.14Kb)
Mark Apr 6 '12
this will also fix problems with pop up boxes that are used to suspend members and send private messages
Joseph Apr 7 '12
this fixed those problems but now when I edit boxes on profiles,index,etc after I click save teh box does not go away and won't close
Mark Apr 8 '12
heres the latest file im using, i may have changed it since the original post


i did experience that problem at one point, i did fix it too (somehow)

Joseph Apr 8 '12
checked this out and no its the same file so you must have changed it some other way
Mark Apr 8 '12
thats the only file ive edited, if you use firefox download the firebug plugin and see what files are spitting out the errors
Joseph Apr 8 '12
you said you fixed the problem (somehow) is what you said but I will try the fire bug never used it before but will give it a try
Joseph Apr 8 '12
well did that but not quite sure what to do once I find what I am looking for hmmm if I could pay you for your time and help I will its up to you but I can set up and show you where its happening I can also send in screen shots
Mark Apr 9 '12

Quote from Joseph this fixed those problems but now when I edit boxes on profiles,index,etc after I click save teh box does not go away and won't close

not sure what you mean, i just joined your site (http://joesocial.net/user/marke) and updated the blog box on my profile.

try it in another browser, when you click customise click on disable javascript, and also clear the site cache (enter dev mode)

Joseph Apr 9 '12
wrong site mark my current site I am having issues with is fantasycoven.com as well as a few others but yes fantasycoven.com is the site you will notice an error with 
Joseph Apr 9 '12
found my issue its when I have a side advertisement up if I remove my side ad it works fine so yeah not sure but that's better than all other options
Mark Apr 9 '12
at least its working now?
Joseph Apr 10 '12
yes it works now I just need to post a proper thread about teh ad plugin causing issues
Michael I.
Michael I. Apr 11 '12
Which bug does this patch fix? Can you give more details?
Mark Apr 11 '12
the newsfeed does not re-load when you post a new status or comment (you have to reload the page to see new content)

it also fixes the pop-up error which i first mentioned with the release of 1.3 >> http://www.oxwall.org/forum/topic/3357

Lucas Nelson
Lucas Nelson Apr 11 '12

Quote from Mark The error is being caused by the following piece of code in ow.js

attached is a patch file that works on my site, simply replace ow_static/plugins/base/js/ow.js with the attached code.

as always back-up the file before you do anything.

                url = $(this).attr("src");                wmode = "wmode=transparent";                if ( url.indexOf("?") != -1)                {                    $o.attr("src", url + "&" + wmode);                }                else                {                    $o.attr("src", url + "?" + wmode);                }

This did not work for me :( - I am still able to "suspend" accounts; but cannot delete them...  Has anyone else bumped into this?

Joseph Apr 11 '12
after visiting your site it seems the java button and all that work for me so your issue may be different this is assuming we are talking aboyt  http://maldicker.com
Lucas Nelson
Lucas Nelson Apr 12 '12

Thank you for visiting the site and taking a look...  Yes http://maldicker.com is the site in question.  I noted that the site allowed you to join; I logged in as my admin account, but it will not allow me to delete the user you created.  When I click on your user in the admin panel and select "delete" - it asks me if I am sure I want to delete the user; when I click on the delete button again the pop up clears; but the user is left in tact - I know that I can still suspend; but for "SPAM" accounts; I would prefer to delete so that all content associated with a user will be removed from the site as well.

Any extra help would be GREATLY appreciated. :( - is there anyway to easily downgrade back to the previous release to see if that clears the error?
Antonia Apr 12 '12
Mark's JS file fixed my newsfeed.  Good job Mark!
Lucas Nelson
Lucas Nelson Apr 12 '12
I may have misunderstood the reason behind this thread - I was linked over here from this topic - http://www.oxwall.org/forum/topic/3971...

My issue is that I cannot delete a user - everything else seems to be functioning fine on the site...
The Forum post is edited by Lucas Nelson Apr 12 '12
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