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newsfeed !!!!!!!!!!!!! | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Support » General Questions
W.SNEIJDER Nov 20 '15
This is my problem :




For photo it is normal ? Is the photo send  to my friend ?
Tecca Nov 20 '15
Is that your friend's newsfeed (profile) or dashboard? It shouldn't show in their profile newsfeed, but it should show up in their dashboard newsfeed. 
W.SNEIJDER Nov 20 '15
Me sent photo to my friend with his profile newsfeed but the photo will on my newsfeed album automatically...  Why? I want to send in his newsfeed the picture 

Tecca Nov 20 '15
Oh, I see. That's the intention, I believe. You upload or link a photo, it goes into your newsfeed album, even if the post was on his newsfeed. Because it doesn't allow others to fill or upload someone else's newsfeed with photos. Only that person can add photos to his own album.
W.SNEIJDER Nov 20 '15
For example = from your profile newsfeed I send a post Me>>>you . Work
from your profile newsfeed I send a picture Me>>>you . not work... ...
W.SNEIJDER Nov 20 '15
the picture will go to newsfeed album autmaticly ( my newsfeed album)
DeFender Nov 20 '15
try attachment plugin, this problem is solved, for pictures and videos
W.SNEIJDER Nov 20 '15
yes I tried the plugin. But there is a bug. When I shared the picture on somebody's wall via profile newsfeed for testing and I wanted to remove this picture (worked). Well I go to my photos and the photo that I removed is always on my photos...
ross Team
ross Nov 22 '15
Sneijder, this is how it works by default, because it is considered as not your activity, it's just that your share that specific content for that specific user only. 
ross Team
ross Nov 22 '15
Topic was moved from Bug reports and troubleshooting.