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Change role of users | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Support » General Questions
Marco Nov 25 '15

Hi all,

is it possible for all users in oxwall to change their role?

I see that is possible only for moderators.



ross Team
ross Nov 25 '15
Only moderators or admin can change their roles manually. Or you can do that via paid membership plugin where you can upgrade their membership type and therefore get another upgraded/more extended user role
Marco Nov 27 '15

I see the overview of plugin called paid membership but i do not understand how it's possible to give to an user a possibility to change his actual roles. 

Can you explain more dettails about this please?

Darryl B Leader
Darryl B Nov 27 '15
The paid membership plugin works with your defined roles. If you have roles like "guest", "Silver", and "Gold", each with different privileges, a silver member can purchase a gold membership, and the plugin will change their role.  Other than that; members can't manually change their own role. Roles are all about setting permission levels. If users had the ability to change their own role, you would have a site full of gold members. You could set a custom profile field that they are able to change.
ross Team
ross Nov 29 '15
Darryl +1