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update 1.8.0 to 1.8.2 ? | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Support » General Questions
Olivia Apr 24 '16

Oxwall updates are a little bit too frequent for my use, and i didn't want to update my main site to 1.8.1 because of bugs i experienced on other minors Oxwall sites after updating them to 1.8.1. 

But i now want to update my main site to the last 1.8.2 version, so the question is : is it possible to update directly from 1.8.0 to 1.8.2 ?

I have nearly 10.000 members and of course don't want to put the mess in my site. Thanks for infos.

dave Leader
dave Apr 24 '16

I don't see why you cant, however check the link out first.  I think maybe the biggest thing is that you will need php 5.5 now as the minimum.

Question, is the plugins area still asking you to update?

Here are the changelogs if you want to look at them first, then its all up to you :) 


Dave :)

Anitaku Apr 24 '16
Back everything up

Deactivate all plug ins

Say your lucky prayers and hope for the best..

I had a similar idea to you. Stuck to 1.8.0 while 1.8.1's bugs got sorted out. Updating to 1.8.2 was still a pretty messy task, however i heard of other members getting it sorted first time. 

As long as you plan for the worst and have everything ready to fix it if it implodes, you should be ok. =]

I'd also recommend waiting for a time where you know ross is online so you're not stuck waiting ages for a reply to your urgent issue.

Good luck!

ross Team
ross Apr 24 '16
Dave, Phil W +1

and follow these instructions: http://www.oxwall.org/forum/topic/24134

ross Team
ross Apr 24 '16
Topic was moved from Bug reports and troubleshooting.
Olivia Apr 25 '16

Quote from ross Dave, Phil W +1

and follow these instructions: http://www.oxwall.org/forum/topic/24134

Thanks for your aswers. Yes, of course i always follow these instructions when i update. I will back up seriously and start the update in the next days :)