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Marcus Apr 27 '16
Is there a ways for users to make the blog private like that only the participants can see it's content?

Now here is the important part! The blog has to show in the blogs list and when someone tries to view it it gets the message "blan blah private join to see""

Now everything posted in this private blog has to remain private not showing anywhere!!!!
dave Leader
dave Apr 27 '16
I believe this is custom coding but may i ask, what do you mean by participants?  Do you mean members only or only people that post blogs?
ross Team
ross Apr 28 '16
Dave +1 What do you mean by participants Marcus?
Marcus Apr 28 '16
Thanks guys!

I mean that only the users that are part of the group can see the content and post in it!

It has to be implemented guys as default feature!

User can make the blog private which will still show everywhere but will have view restriction this way more users will join those private blogs.
ross Team
ross Apr 28 '16
I'm sorry Marcus

To what group are you referring to? 

Anyway, what you want to achieve with the blogs is considered as a custom code modification.