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Upgrading JQuery | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Support » General Questions
Justin Trovalds
Justin Trovalds Apr 29 '16
Can i Upgrade JQuery 2.0.3 to JQuery 2.2.2 in Oxwall in ow_core/application.php does it cause any problem?
dave Leader
dave Apr 29 '16
I am not aware of any issues, however a team member can be more clear on that.  My feeling is that there must be a reason that they have not yet updated it in the core.  Maybe there is something they have to do first before that happens, i am not sure. 

However remember that changing the core means you have to change it back with every update.  I personally would wait till the team gets back with you before taking on such a core change.  :)

Was there a particular reason you need to update it on your own?

ross Team
ross May 2 '16
We have not tested this version yet as it is fairly new. After researching we can give more detailed answer. 

Dave +1 Why do you want to upgrade jquery?

Justin Trovalds
Justin Trovalds May 2 '16
it works fine :)