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[object Object] | Forum

Jobee Bendijo
Jobee Bendijo Jul 29 '16
I'm running into this problem since upgrading to 1.8.4 where, for instance, I got to edit a pre-existing text/html widget in the user dashboard, and all I see in the edit pop-up box is "[object Object]"

I've run into that on a few other edit forms in plug ins and such. 

Any idea what is causing this?

dave Leader
dave Jul 29 '16
On the forum here we had that issue when posting and we were told to refresh our browser cache or change browsers. I dont know if they actually did a fix or not or what was involved in the whole deal. 
Jobee Bendijo
Jobee Bendijo Jul 29 '16
Nothing I do resolves this very serious issue that has all but halted the website's functionality. Members are reporting messages not working, seeing the same "object Object" in their forms.

I hope Oxwall Devs are making this a TOP PRIORITY rush fix. It has all but halted the most used functionality of the site. 

dave Leader
dave Jul 29 '16
I will personally make sure ross sees this first thing, i will mark it important!  He was here last friday not sure if he will be here or not tonight.  But i sent him a message. 

I am not sure what to do myself, i dont know that they did to fix it here. 

The Forum post is edited by dave Jul 29 '16
dave Leader
dave Jul 29 '16
maybe just in case you can revert to 1.8.3 so as to not upset your customers.  Just be sure you gather as much information as you can, images and other data before you to so, that way you can show him. But i would at least wait a few hours to see if he pops in, if not then go for it. 

Also make sure that your dev mode and debug mode are not on at the same time.. I know its silly but check anyway. 

The Forum post is edited by dave Jul 29 '16
Jobee Bendijo
Jobee Bendijo Jul 29 '16
Thanks Dave,

Yes, I ran a site and DB backup before running the upgrades. I will surely be restoring the backups as soon as my server guy gets in in a few hours. 

Jobee Bendijo
Jobee Bendijo Jul 29 '16
On the index page, when trying to "customize this page" the widgets don't drag and drop, and when you attempt to delete a widget from the page, I get an error 

Internal Server Error.
If you are the site admin, click here for details (+)

This 1.8.4 upgrade sure went pear shaped. What a shame.

The Forum post is edited by Jobee Bendijo Jul 29 '16
Jobee Bendijo
Jobee Bendijo Jul 29 '16
Also, when in debug mode, absolutely no debug notices show. The site looks just like it does with debug mode off. 

When I try to refresh in dev mode, it runs on for what seems an eternity, then goes to 500 error. 

dave Leader
dave Jul 29 '16
I wonder if your update failed while executing.  You might try downloading the update pack an upload that and then run the update again and see if it takes this time. 
dave Leader
dave Jul 29 '16
i know its not your issue but you might have a look here, at least you can check the config as ross suggests maybe to gather some info 


Rob Aug 6 '16
I'm still experiencing this issue, did you get it resolved?
dave Leader
dave Aug 6 '16
Rob you are still having the object issue?
Rob Aug 6 '16

Quote from dave Rob you are still having the object issue?
Yes I am.
dave Leader
dave Aug 6 '16
did your update say it finished when you updated?
Rob Aug 6 '16

Quote from dave did your update say it finished when you updated?
Yes, no issues were reported.  I've also tried running the update again (by altering version/build in the database) but I'm still having the issue.
dave Leader
dave Aug 6 '16
hav not forgotten about you just thinking of what we could try, if you have tried the items listed then i am out of ammo lol... let me look around a bit and see if i can find something new we can try. 
Darryl B Leader
Darryl B Aug 6 '16
Have plugins been rule out? I haven't seen this on my site, but I don't have all of the plugins that some do.
Rob Aug 6 '16

Quote from Darryl B Have plugins been rule out? I haven't seen this on my site, but I don't have all of the plugins that some do.
Yes, plugins have been ruled out.
Rob Aug 6 '16

Quote from dave hav not forgotten about you just thinking of what we could try, if you have tried the items listed then i am out of ammo lol... let me look around a bit and see if i can find something new we can try. 
No problem, I'll keep poking around until I find the solution.
dave Leader
dave Aug 6 '16
ok check this out see what aliya says. 


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