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After 1.8.4 update, start page is "blogs", not "main" | Forum

dave Leader
dave Dec 1 '16

you really should not ever have to mess with the base default htaccess for oxwall.  So put it back to default that i posted for you. 

The Forum post is edited by dave Dec 1 '16
Kimmo Kivelä
Kimmo Kivelä Dec 1 '16
dave Leader
dave Dec 1 '16
OK and the other stuff you had in there is comented out or gone right.. 
Kimmo Kivelä
Kimmo Kivelä Dec 1 '16
What next? Deactivating other plugs?
dave Leader
dave Dec 1 '16
Well honestly im sort of stumped at the moment... Trying to figure out why your site.com is not loading but site.com/index is... 

You can try that, the possiblilty is that some js or some third party plugin is conflicting with the page load.  Go ahead and deactivate all third party plugins but leave the default oxwall plugins active. 

None of the team is here and the other leaders are not around. Let me noodle over this for a moment please... 

dave Leader
dave Dec 1 '16
you could just do a mod rewrite and forward it to the index but thats not solving the problem
Kimmo Kivelä
Kimmo Kivelä Dec 1 '16
OK. I used .htaccess to redirect it to index.
dave Leader
dave Dec 1 '16
so for now its working as you want?   I will still need to get with ross or SD the other leader to see if they can assist as well. They may not be back till tomorrow. 
Kimmo Kivelä
Kimmo Kivelä Dec 1 '16
This is not urgent so we can come back to this later. If you ask some guys there maybe someone can come with something. I take the debug off now, or?
dave Leader
dave Dec 1 '16
Yes turn debug off and before you leave (just in case) turn dev mode on and save then hit control F5, then turn dev mode off and save..  That will clear your cache. 

I or someone will get back to you on this, sorry i was not more helpful to you. 

The Forum post is edited by dave Dec 1 '16
Kimmo Kivelä
Kimmo Kivelä Dec 1 '16
Done. It's ok, there are some other issues on site (https) and it's not yet christmas.
dave Leader
dave Dec 1 '16
to do https just make the change in the file you were just in the config.php just change it to https  

its a labor of love :) 

ross Team
ross Dec 5 '16
Kimmo, we'll need access to your Cpanel and admin website access details. 

We have one test site which has the same issue, but we need to look at your files as well. 

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