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FBConnect does not save session / login cookies. Session expires when browser is closed | Forum

Julien Dec 30 '16
I noticed then when using the facebook login, and the browser is closed, you are immediately signed out and you need to login again. I suspect that FBConnect does not save the sessions cookie with the proper "remember me" time-out setting.

I looked into the code, but was not able to find it.

I suspect that in:

The funtion:

public function processSignIn( $identity, $password, $rememberMe = false )

Is called, but with $remember me, set to false.

However I could not find this call in the FBConnect plugin, so I cannot verify this. I tried setting it default to TRUE, in this line of code, but that did not do it.
dave Leader
dave Jan 5 '17
I am not sure if that is on the facebook side via the app functionality or on the Oxwall side.  But it is better to be logged out than to stay logged in for security reasons.  I am thinking it may be on the app side but im not positive about that one.  This however would explain why you dont see anything in the plugin for that. 
Julien Jan 14 '17
I am not sure either why that is actually. Is there a FB-App setting that can be changed for it? I suspect that the auth cookie we receive is just in memory, and not a persistent one.