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Doesn work with emojis plugin - CKEditor | Forum

Paul May 2 '17
Thown an js exception:

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property '0' of undefined

its, because the emoji cant find the jHMTLArea.

Any ideas?

OW.bind("base.initjHtmlArea", function( event ){//console.log("starting",this);pasteEmoji = function (emoji,emojiarea) { this.pasteHTML(emoji); this.updateTextArea();}.bind(this);triggerUpdateHtmlArea = function (val,emojiarea){$(emojiarea).val(val);this.updateHtmlArea();}.bind(this);areatriggered = this.textarea[0];ejht = startemojiHTML(areatriggered, pasteEmoji, triggerUpdateHtmlArea); });

Paul May 2 '17
Got another exception without the emoji plugin, if i try to upload an image to the Server:

ckeditor.js:813 Uncaught TypeError: a.indexOf is not a function

edit: this is just when answer a topic

The Forum post is edited by Paul May 3 '17
ArtMedia May 8 '17
Emoji plugin change textarea field to editable divs, and override default oxwall html editor, my plugin override default oxwall html editor too and display ckeditor, then we have errors

ckeditor have smileys plugin too (via http://ckeditor.com/addon/smiley)

ArtMedia Jun 14 '17

Quote from Paul Got another exception without the emoji plugin, if i try to upload an image to the Server:

ckeditor.js:813 Uncaught TypeError: a.indexOf is not a function

Please update plugin to new version, I fix this error

on next versions I add intergation with emoji plugin
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