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Hacked? I need this removed.. | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Development » Themes
JB TECH Sep 22 '12
These two things have NEVER been on my site before, and they just appeared. One leads to some site trying to sell what looks like products made by other Oxwall people, and the second one is some foreign social network.

No one could've done this without breaking into my ftp somehow and adding them, or something like that, but I want to know how I can remove them from my footer.


Appearently, one of these link to a site that claims to be a site software, that is just Oxwall software their selling.

The Forum post is edited by JB TECH Sep 22 '12
Soloplayer Designs
Soloplayer Designs Sep 22 '12
it was theme you are using.
JB TECH Sep 22 '12

Soloplayer Designs
Soloplayer Designs Sep 22 '12
it was a some kind watermark
JB TECH Sep 22 '12
But it wasn't there yesterday when I had the same theme up
Soloplayer Designs
Soloplayer Designs Sep 22 '12
try to use this theme it was the same theme i just modified it a little this might work just fine.

  Facelook-Black1.zip (257Kb)
JB TECH Sep 22 '12
Thanks, but now one problem still occurs. In the ajax IM, member who have uploaded their own avatar, their picture overlaps the messages in the box as shown:

Alia Team
Alia Sep 24 '12
Topic was moved from Bug reports and troubleshooting.
Soloplayer Designs
Soloplayer Designs Sep 24 '12
look like it was the old theme issue i didn't touch the css try to contact the theme owner.