Can you please help me with 2 small custom code help?
1) How do i change background color of comment text area
2)Few places there is this black font which i am unable to find and change,
eg below black text covered in circle
It will be really helpful if you can please revert on above.
Also, i am planning to shift my ning community here. What are your views on bug and oxwall core performance?
Look fw
You can add this css in you custom css for the theme in the admin panel.
1. background color for text area.
textarea {
background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0.6);}
2. This is the dark font color you are seeing. Mine is more of a silver. It appears that you have changed the body html color.
Overall I think Oxwall performs well for standard community sites. If you have several users, or are planning to have, make sure you have VPS hosting as several have had performance issues when trying to run on shared hosting. I can't really speak for how well it performs overall compared to other platforms as I have never used any of the others. My use is more hobby related. Nothing as serious as trying to operate a full community site.
Note that the simply responsive sb theme is essentially the same as the nightshade sb theme with the exception that it is more of a blank slate where colors are concerned.