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Cannot Edit Landing Page | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Development » Themes
Tesla Kuhn
Tesla Kuhn Dec 26 '18

I am only guessing this is the right spot for this request. I apologize if it is not. Please move it to the right spot if it is not where it is supposed to be. It is not my intent to offend. I'm new.

I am using the Revolution (dark) theme.

I am unable to edit the landing page using a plugin provided by the creator.

I have taken the recommended steps, by creator of thus, to change privacy and install a sign-in page plugin (1198). These do not help me, as I am unable to view the landing page while logged in.


Oxwall Germany Club
Oxwall Germany Dec 26 '18
Topic was moved from General Chat.
Tesla Kuhn
Tesla Kuhn Dec 26 '18
I have been experimenting with BlueGriffon, but it seems if I try to show my work in a browser errors appear. I'm not sure what else to try. Any help is greatly appreciated.
Rob Dec 26 '18
Is it not the case Tesla that you have to install an additional plugin for the theme (sometimes called the name control).
This usually comes along with the theme.

If you unpack the theme on your own computer, then there is usually the control panel.

With regards,

Admiraliteit Imedia

Tesla Kuhn
Tesla Kuhn Dec 28 '18

Yes. I have installed this.

I cannot edit the page as I cannot see it when logged in.

I must be logged in to admin to edit site.

Tesla Kuhn
Tesla Kuhn Dec 28 '18
definitely helps. tyvm.
Tesla Kuhn
Tesla Kuhn Dec 28 '18
Until I either learn css, or a workaround materializes for the controller this will work, ty. SO MUCH Admiraliteit Imedia. This will at least get my words set "not" to default (lorem ipsum stuff). I had no idea about this available in language as I'm a wordpress guy, and older sites at that, so very new to oxwall. I very much consider your reply a lifesaver. TY for contributing. I would have been lost forever and had given up hope altogether.
Rob Dec 28 '18

You're welcome.

With regards,

Admiraliteit Imedia

Patricia Zorrilla Leader
Patricia Zorrilla Jan 12 '19
Tip. To edit the landing page with ease, open your web in two different browsers and in one login and in the other no.