Where can I make some minor changes on the Admin template?
Where can I make some minor changes on the Admin template?
You can modify the layout files in ow_system_plugins/admin/views/
I see nothing but iframes.
<div class="ow_stdmargin"> <iframe class="ow_full" src="{$adminDashboardIframeUrl}" style="border: 0pt none ; width: 100%; height: 250px;" frameborder="0"></iframe></div>
The files to edit are
/ow_system_plugins/admin/controllers/base.php (method dashboard)
Alexander, buddy, it's enough to share links to the pages you're thinking of replacing.
It's not possible to understand you like this.
Executive area arrangements are common areas as follows
ow_syste I / Admin
Site management
ow_system / Base, located under.
But there are many pages. Decorator, html, php and function pages in the hierarchy.
It will be easier to tell the URL of the page for the operation you want to do.
NOTE: The changes made within these pages are content that are of particular interest.
Problems that cannot be returned can be seen. You should remember that any changes to the next update will be lost.