My ultimate hope like others I saw posts of is to have the option later to create additional instances (to get eventually other licenses for if need be) to be able to let other friends run their games whether or not we're at the same time. That part I did see and confirm in posts.
I just wanted to ask something mildly different from what I've seen and get reccomendation on if I don't mind paying, between oracle and all other cloud based hosts if I want to ensure I can always upgrade to support multiple instances and allow them to run at the same time (as I get licenses me and friends may need)/add more ability to do this or that resource wise. Which host would be reccommended as just me looking ahead in making sure if I expand and want to upgrade into lending more cores, shapes, storage, features, etc to existing or future instances if I don't mind breaking outside of free territory?
If this was handled elsewhere and I missed it, I do apologize. I wasn't sure how to narrow into this exactly in my search and mostly saw people looking for reccomendation on the best host and trying to remain at free of cost.