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Profile Picture and Photo Abums | Forum

Haya Jan 1 '13

profile picturs and photo album pics are shown as broken thumbnail and when trying to open image direct it says 

Internal Server Error 


how to fix it?

Purusothaman Ramanujam
Have you upgraded your photos plugin? Does your ow_userfiles folder and its content has 0777 permission?
Haya Jan 2 '13
yes the permissions are 777 and I have latest version of oxwall, something wrong with internal server code I think
The Forum post is edited by Haya Jan 2 '13
Alia Team
Alia Jan 3 '13
Haya, can you make sure that you have:

1. Latest version of "Photo" plugin
2. Whether "avatars" folder exist in:
   - /ow_pluginfiles/base/

If the folder exists, which permissions it has?

3. Can you give your site URL ?