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Cycling with anxiety | Forum

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idayrare corded
idayrare corded Dec 5 '23
Hi all,

I've been cycling couple times a week for few years now. Before that I was into running.
Being an anxious person, i've been sometimes strugling to complete rides, especially when cycling uphill.
Having elevated heart rate during rides, associates me with a panick attack, and suddenly my breathing becomes shallow, my legs are getting weak... a typical panic attack symptoms. My mind says that when I raise my heart rate, something bad is going to happen ex me dying.
I admire the people that go past me on the ride, most of them riding at their maximum, while I strugle with the attacks.
My question I guess is, is there a danger of getting a heart attack while riding? Is it safe to push harder at some points?
I know it sounds crazy, knowing that the heart is a muscle, and the more you exercise, the stronger it gets.
Cycling seems to be one of the best cardiovascular exercises, but still I strugle to accept the fact that while cycling I do good for my health, and not put myself in danger.
William Hopster
William Hopster Dec 5 '23
If you do not have any physical conditions that make you 'at risk' for a heart attack, then elevated heart rate AEROBIC exercise should be fine. Do not force yourself to continue exercise if you become 'dazed' or you are not fully aware of the conditions around you, or you have difficulty controlling your motion.
Emily Blake
Emily Blake Dec 5 '23
While anxiety can mimic some symptoms of a heart attack, like elevated heart rate and shallow breathing, it's generally not dangerous for your heart. Cycling is indeed an excellent cardiovascular exercise and can contribute to heart health.
To address your anxiety while riding, consider talking to a mental health professional who can provide strategies and techniques to manage panic attacks. It might also help to gradually increase the intensity of your rides so your body becomes more accustomed to the higher heart rate.
As for trying new approaches like kratom, it's essential to consult with a healthcare provider before exploring such options, as they can provide guidance tailored to your specific needs, and then you can buy kratom online.