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master pages | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Development » Themes
Rodney Feb 25 '13
what are the master pages for in the theme?  can I change them? how do I get the system to re-read the master pages if I change them?

Bobby Feb 25 '13
The master pages are the html for your sites pages. You'll usually only mess with dndindex and general. But there isn't much to mess with, from a html point. These master pages are simply calling all that css with <div class=...>
Messing with these pages can really FUBAR your site. I's not like you can say... put all the stuff inside a table with two rows... and like and an image in the top row...

You normally want to stick with messing with the css file.
The Forum post is edited by Bobby Feb 25 '13
Rodney Feb 25 '13
I am trying to get rid of the white site link in my top logo.

Here is my site address: http://www.annstradingpost.com

Bobby Feb 25 '13
Yeah you're in the right spot. I think.
I didn't sign up at your site but are you talking about that ugly ass stripe at the very top of your page? With the name of your site in it?

Yeah go to your theme's master pages and in dndindex and general, delete this line:
<div class="ow_logo_wrap"><a href="{$siteUrl}">{$siteName}</a></div>
Try it. If it doesn't work, then you have to be in dev mode. I can't remember.

You'll still have that ugly box around those java buttons, in the top right corner. Tomorrow I can dig around and let you know how I got rid of that padding around those buttons.
Alia Team
Alia Feb 25 '13
+1 to Bobby's reply.

Alia Team
Alia Feb 25 '13
Topic was moved from General Questions.
Rodney Feb 26 '13
Hi Bobby, that worked. I had to use the dev mode also. Now what I want to do is FIX the menu items on top of the screen so when you scroll the menu items stay.

Main Photo Events ect....

I have not figured out where that is yet, can you help with that?

Thanks for your help.
Bobby Feb 26 '13
If I understand you, you want the links to stay at the top, even when user scrolls?
I think this would be java and beyond my skill level.

I will now be AFK for a few hours.
Tester Feb 28 '13
Working with CSS is a waste of time.
Every update UNDO all your painstaking customization.
I am literally and figuratively tired of re-customizing my site's look.
This is a grave issue, and I have posted it in detail elsewhere.
It's hightime that a solution is provided.
Vladimir Bach
Vladimir Bach May 9 '14
You can make the console stay fixed via css. Look for this in one of your theme codes, or you can add it yourself.

.ow_console.clearfix { z-index: 99999999; position: fixed; width: auto; right: 0; top: 0; background: #000; }