enable DEBUG_MODE and try to update again. Post any PHP errors if appeared.
An idea?
An IP will be assigned automatically since the plugin will updated first time.
i have fopen disabled and i dont have any issues updating any plugins
here is what i have
;post max size at least 10 percent higher
;than upload max size
post_max_size = 320M
upload_max_filesize = 280M
memory_limit = 300M
register_globals = Off
magic_quotes_gpc = OFF
display_errors = Off
log_errors = On
allow_url_fopen = Off
allow_url_include = Off
Even if you get a "bad key" message, you can still download and upload the updated copy
Younet saus my key is valid
To resolve the issue, send following details to moderation team:
- site URL/FTP/Admin where a problem plugin is installed
- link to the plugin
Our techs will check it manually.
I've been noticed that moderation team didn't receive a message from you. Have you sent it via contact form? or you use a different way?
IN any way, we checked update system and didn't find any issues with that. The only reason you can get "invalid license key" message is that a developer didn't grant a license in Store for you.
So, if you see that error message, first, contact a developer and make sure he granted you with a license. You can also check it in your account on My purchases page.
Would you check with a developer of Advanced Poker, that your license key exists on his end? He should see it from "My Items" page.