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Invalid License Key | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Support » Oxwall Store
Purusothaman Ramanujam
For one of my plugin (Credits History and Transfer) in the store, users are getting invalid license key when they try to update via Admin panel.

Due to this, they are not able to upgrade the plugin.
Oxwall Accessories
Oxwall Accessories Feb 25 '13
have them try and refresh the ip. they may be using a different machine

Purusothaman Ramanujam
But that does not look like a good way to handle IPs( based on IP)
Den Team
Den Mar 3 '13
Perhaps, they have fopen disabled in php.ini , that's the platform is unable to compare licesne key with Store. 

enable DEBUG_MODE and try to update again. Post any PHP errors if appeared. 

Purusothaman Ramanujam

I have not received any issues for other plugins.

The issue is only for this particular plugin. So I don't think its related to fopen.

Den Team
Den Mar 3 '13
Would you PM me with the pairs (license key = assigned site IP)?
Purusothaman Ramanujam
I don't see assigned IP address details in store list . I will contact the users and get back to you.
FJK May 6 '13
Hi, I also have a problem with an invalid license key. I bought the plugin MapPro and tried to install it. An error appears: Invalid license key.

An idea?



Den Team
Den May 23 '13

An IP will be assigned automatically since the plugin will updated first time. 

dave Leader
dave Aug 23 '13

i have fopen disabled and i dont have any issues updating any plugins


here is what i have


;post max size at least 10 percent higher
;than upload max size
post_max_size = 320M
upload_max_filesize = 280M
memory_limit = 300M

register_globals = Off
magic_quotes_gpc = OFF

display_errors = Off
log_errors = On

allow_url_fopen = Off
allow_url_include = Off

The Forum post is edited by dave Aug 23 '13
Den Team
Den Aug 27 '13
Quote from Paul Cuffe Even if you get a "bad key" message, you can still download and upload the updated copy

Plugin key is required to download and update an item from Oxwall Store (remotely). It doesn't make sense to perform key check when you upload a new plugin's version locally as you already have the new version.
bobbi Apr 23 '14
i also have the same issue  with the advance poker plug in, i get invalid license key,

i have been told that this matter is still unresolved from what i see at least last august

i have successfully updated a different plug in which required license key to update so i am sure everything is fine my end it is just the advance poker i cant update

any help to solve this please would be appreciated

dave Leader
dave Apr 23 '14
i have the same issue  with the advance poker plug in, i get invalid license key
tammy harris
tammy harris Apr 23 '14
I have same isue with only one plugin  younet friend inviter all others work fine

Younet saus my key is valid

The Forum post is edited by tammy harris Apr 23 '14
Den Team
Den Apr 23 '14
Hello guys,

To resolve the issue, send following details to moderation team:

- site URL/FTP/Admin where a problem plugin is installed

- link to the plugin

Our techs will check it manually. 

bobbi Apr 24 '14
message sent to the moderation team, hope they can resolve this soon
Den Team
Den Apr 28 '14

I've been noticed that moderation team didn't receive a message from you. Have you sent it via contact form? or you use a different way? 

IN any way, we checked update system and didn't find any issues with that. The only reason you can get "invalid license key" message is that a developer didn't grant a license in Store for you. 

So, if you see that error message, first, contact a developer and make sure he granted you with a license. You can also check it in your account on My purchases page. 

The Forum post is edited by Den Apr 28 '14
bobbi Apr 28 '14
I used contact us and selected store moderation team I do have a licence key for this plug in of course it comes up invalid I copy and paste key from my purchases, other plug in updated just fine using licence key just advance poker I couldnt so you suggest I contact dev and ask to grant me another licence key so I can update ........
Den Team
Den Apr 28 '14

Would you check with a developer of Advanced Poker, that your license key exists on his end? He should see it from "My Items" page.

Purusothaman Ramanujam
Yes. It exists and user is also able to see it.
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