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Error/Bugs in the Last Step of Installation | Forum

Shayan Aug 26 '10

I am using the new beta2 version that was released yesterday

I am getting same error that i get before

When i try to install oxwall its goes well till database, it successfully dump database and ask me to choose plugins to install

now when I choose plugins to install and click on finish it runs the whole installation process again

and if i dont choose any plugin and click finish it tries to redirect me to the main page, BUt on main page it shows the following error in firefox

The page isn't redirecting properly

Firefox has detected that the server is redirecting the request for this address in a way that will never complete.

* This problem can sometimes be caused by disabling or refusing to accept cookies.

I dont have any problem with cookies, dunno why its giving this error
please check it again

I am installing it on my windows XP platform using XAMPP server, in a subfolder like http://localhost/oxwall

Mod_Rewrite is enable all requirements are fullfill

please check it

Shayan Aug 26 '10
I have attach a html file of the DEBUG report

i use below setting in config file

i customized it, I also tried the way as told in installation process

define('OW_URL_HOME', 'http://localhost:81/ow/');

define('OW_DB_HOST', 'localhost');
define('OW_DB_USER', 'root');
define('OW_DB_PASSWORD', 'password');
define('OW_DB_NAME', 'oxwall');

define('OW_DB_PREFIX', 'ow_');

define('OW_DIR_USERFILES', OW_DIR_ROOT.'ow_userfiles'.DS);
define('OW_DIR_STATIC', OW_DIR_ROOT.'ow_static'.DS);
define('OW_URL_STATIC', OW_URL_HOME.'ow_static/');
define('OW_URL_USERFILES', OW_URL_HOME.'ow_userfiles/');
define('OW_DIR_PLUGINFILES', OW_DIR_ROOT.'ow_pluginfiles/');

define('OW_DEBUG_MODE', true);
define('OW_DEV_MODE', true);
define('OW_INSTALL_PLUGINS', true);
define('OW_PASSWORD_SALT', 'oxwall_salt_SK750');
define('OW_PROFILER_ENABLE', true);

define('OW_DIR_CORE', OW_DIR_ROOT.'ow_core'.DS);
define('OW_DIR_INC', OW_DIR_ROOT.'ow_includes'.DS);
define('OW_DIR_LIB', OW_DIR_ROOT.'ow_libraries'.DS);
define('OW_DIR_UTIL', OW_DIR_ROOT.'ow_utilities'.DS);
define('OW_DIR_PLUGIN', OW_DIR_ROOT.'ow_plugins'.DS);
define('OW_DIR_THEME', OW_DIR_ROOT.'ow_themes'.DS);
define('OW_DIR_SYSTEM_PLUGIN', OW_DIR_ROOT.'ow_system_plugins'.DS);
define('OW_DIR_SMARTY', OW_DIR_ROOT.'ow_smarty'.DS);

define('OW_USE_CLOUDFILES', false);

Please check attached file for debug report

The Forum post is edited by Shayan Aug 26 '10
Den Team
Den Aug 26 '10
Please, would you provide me with your FTP details?
We can't reproduce this error on our local machines.
Shayan Aug 26 '10
i installed it on my local machine, localhost

I am just going to try it on my online host, i will tell after installing it on my host
Den Team
Den Aug 26 '10
I found some info about this error. Seems this is bug in php using old libmysql. Look it here: http://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=44081
Lloyd Merithew
Lloyd Merithew Oct 4 '10
I had the same problem with a MAMP install using a localhost and port 8888.

define('OW_URL_HOME', 'http://localhost:8888/oxwall/');

I found the error was caused by the public function init():

public function init()
// Comment out this urlHostRedirect() and the site will open without the error
// $this->urlHostRedirect();


// setting default time zone
date_default_timezone_set(OW::getConfig()->getValue('base', 'site_timezone'));
Den Team
Den Oct 5 '10
@Lloyd Merithew
Thank for report :) We have fixed this issue, please, try to update to Beta5.
Lloyd Merithew
Lloyd Merithew Oct 6 '10
I upgraded to Beta5 by doing a clean new install. Same issue exists.
Mac OSX Server 10.6.4 with MAMP v1.9.2.

Another observation: I tried a new install on Centos 5 with std Apache using SSL and got the same error message but it also redirected by repeating the url twice.

Sreekanth Apr 11 '13
I am facing the same issue with Oxwall 1.5.1 and 1.5.2
I am getting the same error in the last step of installation.
I am hosting a webserver on my system with the domain name http://www.humane.iitkgp.ernet.in.

Please help asap.
Peter Groft
Peter Groft Sep 5 '22

Software teams can follow these nine ways of fixing bugs in production:

Establish a standardized process.

Make plans to quickly fix defects.

Practice time management.

Implement benchmarks.

Prioritize test code.

Perform chaos engineering.

Move fast and break things.

Adopt a mission-critical mentality.



ali Apr 11 '23
В Арт Академи в София, децата могат да се научат на различни техники за рисуване, керамика, крафт с полимерна глина и много други изкуствени дейности. През последните години, училището се е утвърдило като един от най-добрите центрове за изкуство за деца в София. Една от големите предимства на Арт Академи е, че децата не само могат да се забавляват, но и да учат много полезни умения като търпение, точност и творческо мислене. Децата могат да се развиват в своите умения и да изразят своята индивидуалност. В Арт Академи има и опитни учители, които ще насочат децата и ще им помогнат да развият своя талант. Всички материали и оборудване, необходими за изкуството, са на разположение в училището. Арт Академи