1. Go to /ow_plugins/billing_paypal/views/controllers/order_form.html file. 2. Find these strings: {if $sale->period > 90} and replace them with these ones: {if $sale->periodUnits == 'months'} 3. Go to /ow_plugins/billing_paypal/controllers/order.php file. 4. Remove the following string: $this->assign('monthPeriod', intval($sale->period / 30)); 5. Go to /ow_plugins/membership/controllers/subscribe.php file. 6. Add the following string $sale->periodUnits = $plan->periodUnits; right after this string: $sale->recurring = $plan->recurring; 7. Go to /ow_system_plugins/base/bol/billing_sale.php file. 8. Find this string public $extraData; and add this block of code right after it: /** * @var string */ public $periodUnits; 9. Go to phpMyAdmin and run the following query: ALTER TABLE `ow_base_billing_sale` ADD `periodUnits` VARCHAR(20) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci NULL DEFAULT NULL AFTER `extraData`; Note: ow_base_billing_sale is the tabe name. If you use another prefix, you should replace the provided table name with yours. That's it.