/* * Slides, A Slideshow Plugin for jQuery * Intructions: http://slidesjs.com * By: Nathan Searles, http://nathansearles.com * Version: 1.1.9 * Updated: September 5th, 2011 * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ (function(a) { a.fn.slides = function(b) { return b = a.extend({}, a.fn.slides.option, b), this.each(function() { function w(g, h, i) { if (!p && o) { p = !0; var len = $('.ow_slide').length; function randomizeS() { var r = Math.floor(Math.random() * (len - 0 + 1)) + 0; if(r == n){ r <= 1 ? r +=1 : r-= 1; } return r; } var random = randomizeS(); switch (g) { case "next": l = n, k = n + 1, k = e === k ? 0 : k, r = f * 2, g = -f * 2, n = k; break; case "prev": l = n, k = n - 1, k = k === -1 ? e - 1 : k, r = 0, g = 0, n = k; break; case "random": l = n, k = random, k = e === k ? 0 : k, r = f * 2, g = -f * 2, n = k; break; case "pagination": k = parseInt(i, 10), l = a("." + b.paginationClass + " li." + b.currentClass + " a", c).attr("href").match("[^#/]+$"), k > l ? (r = f * 2, g = -f * 2) : (r = 0, g = 0), n = k } b.animationStart(n + 1); h === "fade" ? b.crossfade ? d.children(":eq(" + k + ")", c).css({ zIndex: 10 }).fadeIn(b.fadeSpeed, b.fadeEasing, function() { b.autoHeight ? d.animate({ height: d.children(":eq(" + k + ")", c).outerHeight() }, b.autoHeightSpeed, function() { d.children(":eq(" + l + ")", c).css({ display: "none", zIndex: 0 }), d.children(":eq(" + k + ")", c).css({ zIndex: 0 }), b.animationComplete(k + 1), p = !1 }) : (d.children(":eq(" + l + ")", c).css({ display: "none", zIndex: 0 }), d.children(":eq(" + k + ")", c).css({ zIndex: 0 }), b.animationComplete(k + 1), p = !1) }) : d.children(":eq(" + l + ")", c).fadeOut(b.fadeSpeed, b.fadeEasing, function() { b.autoHeight ? d.animate({ height: d.children(":eq(" + k + ")", c).outerHeight() }, b.autoHeightSpeed, function() { d.children(":eq(" + k + ")", c).fadeIn(b.fadeSpeed, b.fadeEasing) }) : d.children(":eq(" + k + ")", c).fadeIn(b.fadeSpeed, b.fadeEasing, function() { a.browser.msie && a(this).get(0).style.removeAttribute("filter") }), b.animationComplete(k + 1), p = !1 }) : (d.children(":eq(" + k + ")").css({ left: r, display: "block" }), b.autoHeight ? d.animate({ left: g, height: d.children(":eq(" + k + ")").outerHeight() }, b.slideSpeed, b.slideEasing, function() { d.css({ left: -f }), d.children(":eq(" + k + ")").css({ left: f, zIndex: 5 }), d.children(":eq(" + l + ")").css({ left: f, display: "none", zIndex: 0 }), b.animationComplete(k + 1), p = !1 }) : d.animate({ left: g }, b.slideSpeed, b.slideEasing, function() { d.css({ left: -f }), d.children(":eq(" + k + ")").css({ left: f, zIndex: 5 }), d.children(":eq(" + l + ")").css({ left: f, display: "none", zIndex: 0 }), b.animationComplete(k + 1), p = !1 })), b.pagination && (a("." + b.paginationClass + " li." + b.currentClass, c).removeClass(b.currentClass), a("." + b.paginationClass + " li:eq(" + k + ")", c).addClass(b.currentClass)) } } function x() { clearInterval(c.data("interval")) } function y() { b.pause ? (clearTimeout(c.data("pause")), clearInterval(c.data("interval")), u = setTimeout(function() { clearTimeout(c.data("pause")), v = setInterval(function() { w("random", i) }, b.play), c.data("interval", v) }, b.pause), c.data("pause", u)) : x() } a("." + b.container, a(this)).children().wrapAll('
'); var c = a(this), d = a(".slides_control", c), e = d.children().size(), f = d.children().outerWidth(), g = d.children().outerHeight(), h = b.start - 1, i = b.effect.indexOf(",") < 0 ? b.effect : b.effect.replace(" ", "").split(",")[0], j = b.effect.indexOf(",") < 0 ? i : b.effect.replace(" ", "").split(",")[1], k = 0, l = 0, m = 0, n = 0, o, p, q, r, s, t, u, v; if (e < 2) return a("." + b.container, a(this)).fadeIn(b.fadeSpeed, b.fadeEasing, function() { o = !0, b.slidesLoaded() }), a("." + b.next + ", ." + b.prev).fadeOut(0), !1; if (e < 2) return; h < 0 && (h = 0), h > e && (h = e - 1), b.start && (n = h), b.randomize && d.randomize(), a("." + b.container, c).css({ overflow: "hidden", position: "relative" }), d.children().css({ position: "absolute", top: 0, left: d.children().outerWidth(), zIndex: 0, display: "none" }), d.css({ position: "relative", width: f * 3, height: g, left: -f }), a("." + b.container, c).css({ display: "block" }), b.autoHeight && (d.children().css({ height: "auto" }), d.animate({ height: d.children(":eq(" + h + ")").outerHeight() }, b.autoHeightSpeed)); if (b.preload && d.find("img:eq(" + h + ")").length) { a("." + b.container, c).css({ background: "url(" + b.preloadImage + ") no-repeat 50% 50%" }); var z = d.find("img:eq(" + h + ")").attr("src") + "?" + (new Date).getTime(); a("img", c).parent().attr("class") != "slides_control" ? t = d.children(":eq(0)")[0].tagName.toLowerCase() : t = d.find("img:eq(" + h + ")"), d.find("img:eq(" + h + ")").attr("src", z).load(function() { d.find(t + ":eq(" + h + ")").fadeIn(b.fadeSpeed, b.fadeEasing, function() { a(this).css({ zIndex: 5 }), a("." + b.container, c).css({ background: "" }), o = !0, b.slidesLoaded() }) }) } else d.children(":eq(" + h + ")").fadeIn(b.fadeSpeed, b.fadeEasing, function() { o = !0, b.slidesLoaded() }); b.bigTarget && (d.children().css({ cursor: "pointer" }), d.children().click(function() { return w("next", i), !1 })), b.hoverPause && b.play && (d.bind("mouseover", function() { x() }), d.bind("mouseleave", function() { y() })), b.generateNextPrev && (a("." + b.container, c).after('Prev'), a("." + b.prev, c).after('Next')), a("." + b.next, c).click(function(a) { a.preventDefault(), b.play && y(), w("next", i) }), a("." + b.prev, c).click(function(a) { a.preventDefault(), b.play && y(), w("prev", i) }), b.generatePagination ? (b.prependPagination ? c.prepend("