Excity. Not the most complex Oxwall theme( yet) out there but crafted with a lot of love and attention to detail. Main background has an parallax scrolling effect. Since it's visible on most of the site you'd better use repeat-x repeat y images for better looks. For the lined paper no image were used. The effect is not visible on older browsers( IE 9<, Firefox 4< ...etc). If you don't like it or if you want to chaange the lines colour put this small piece of CSS, in the custom CSS section. First colour changes the vertical bar and second the horizontal lines. .ow_bg_color{ background-image: linear-gradient(90deg, transparent 39px, #EB9999 39px, #EB9999 41px, transparent 41px), linear-gradient(#FFD6D6 .1em, transparent .1em); } Theme icons were provided by freepik.com . Hopefully, Fontawesome or another font incon will be implemented in the next theme update for even more customisability options. Theme admin is the default one from Oxwall. You can change the header background, main background, footer background, logo image, textarea background and a lot of colours, including tooltips and ow_box header&main background colour to really make one theme customisation different from another. Default OW plugins have their own menu colours and widget colours. I hope you like the idea. If not, contact me, for this or any other issue on the theme support page. You cand find pattern backgrounds on http://subtlepatterns.com or http://www.repeatxrepeaty.com/ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Thank you for purchasing this theme! George.