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Links on notification emails are broken | Forum

Evelyne Apr 3 '13
Most links on the notification email messages turn out to be broken. 

For example, the friend request notification. I checked the language, and where this is, for example:

<a href="{$userUrl}">{$displayName}</a> wants to be friends with you.

This is the resulting link on the email:Evelyne

From the email code, this is what shows:

<DIV style="WIDTH: 400px; DISPLAY: inline-block; WORD-WRAP: break-word; VERTICAL-ALIGN: top"><DIV><A href="user/Evelyne">Evelyne</A> wants to be friends with you.</DIV></DIV>

And when the person clicks on it, they go nowhere, of course.

Also, all the unsubscribe, change preferencer, etc on the bottom - same thing happens:

<A href="email-notifications/unsubscribe/da3b8e0fce7580c35abc2c221de478b9/friends-request">Unsubscribe from this type of notifications</A> <A href="email-notifications">Change preferences and frequency of these notifications</A> | <A href="email-notifications/unsubscribe/da3b8e0fce7580c35abc2c221de478b9/friends-request">Unsubscribe from all notifications</A> </DIV>

Is there a fix for this?


Alia Team
Alia Apr 4 '13
Evelyine, we can not reproduce the issue on our installation. It has already been reported. To look and find what causing this we need FTP/phpMyAdmin access details and access details to admin panel. If you would like us to take a took, you can PM me this info.
Alia Team
Alia Apr 18 '13
Evelyne, developers have checked your report. And Oxwall script is sending out correct links within the notifications. Seems like emails are being redirected between mail servers and one of them is cuttings the links out:

1. Are you using SMTP?
2. Who is your hosting provider?
3. Which mail client are you using?

We can't do much in this situation, but if you provide the info. asked above we will do everything we can to find out what is casing this issue.
Evelyne Apr 19 '13

I'll send you the full header of the message I got from the user who alerted me about the problem.

I can say here that:

1. yes, I'm using SMTP.

2. Hosting provider is Hub.

3. I use Outlook, but, just like here, I'm not getting any notifications from the the oxwall installed on my server (yes, all the options to receive notifications are marked as yes. But here too and I have to come here every now and then to see if there is a reply, I'm not getting the notifications by email... and nope, they are not going to spam box, I checked! - the email I use here is gmail)

Thanks for your help!