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'Make sticky' on homepage | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Support » General Questions
Shreya Tili
Shreya Tili Apr 5 '13
We have a forum called Discussion of the Week.

Each week, when a new discussion is posted, it appears on the homepage but then disappears if nobody comments or other forum topics receive comments and this one doesn't.

Is there any way I can make the discussion post "sticky" on the homepage so that it stays there upfront for the week till the next Discussion of the Week forum topic is posted?
Alia Team
Alia Apr 5 '13
Shreya Tili, what about adding new Custom HTML widget to your main page. Create nice looking .html code, include the link to the needed forum topic within the code  and just paste this .html code into the new widget. This way link to your forum topic will always be on your homepage.
Shreya Tili
Shreya Tili Apr 5 '13
Smart thinking Allia :-). Let me see if we can do something along these lines...
Shreya Tili
Shreya Tili Apr 5 '13
Aliia, that works beautifully. Thank you!
Alia Team
Alia Apr 8 '13
Welcome ))