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allow_fopen_url neded? - Oxwall Art Advanced SEO | Forum

Piska Apr 5 '13

I would like to buy your mod.

Does this mod need "allow_fopen_url" ON ?
My allow_fopen_url is OFF. Can I use your mod? 


Sardar Apr 6 '13

To run the plugin your server should have `file_get_contents` function available. The function is also used for Oxwall plugin and platform update infrastructure.

Piska Apr 6 '13
It means that I need "allow_fopen_url" ON ?  Sorry I am a PHP dummy:)

My provider does not allow "allow_fopen_url" ON  (because of security reasons). I am using Oxwall without it.
1.Does OxArt Nice Urls need it to?

2.Do you have a mod based on curl? or mayby another solution? I am only interested in SEO friendly links.


Sardar Apr 6 '13
OxArt Nice Urls plugin doesn't need `allow_fopen_url` option to be enabled, so you can use it without any problems. 

But for SEO plugin it's a problem, because site generation feature can't work without this option. I wonder how you update your Oxwall platform and plugins. Do you use manual updates?

Piska Apr 7 '13
I just installed Oxwall. I will update Oxwall manualy like my other web app (phpBB etc). There is no other option for me. The security manager of my webhoster doesn't want allow "allow_fopen_url" ON. They advice to use curl instead. But I am not a developer:(

I just got your OxArt Nice Urls. It works! I will give you 5 *****. Not only for your mod but specialy for your support.


Piska Apr 7 '13
I have one small question: 

I would like to change the default url of my forum.

from mywebsite.com/forum

to mywebsite.com/my-forum

How can I do that? Can I change somewhere the code of Oxwall?

Sardar Apr 7 '13

You are welcome! Glad to hear you like the plugin.
Yes, you can do it in code, but it's not recommended - because with the next update all your code mods will be overwritten. If anyway you want to do it - take a look at the forum init.php file, at the beginning you'll find routes responsible for the forum URL generation.

Piska Apr 7 '13
I have found the file but it is to difficult for me. I leave it as it is.
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