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directory inside oxwall installation folder | Forum

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David A
David A Apr 5 '13
can you make an ftp folder within the oxwall installation folder and have define user credentials for that folder? 

And if doing so, if some trys to go to that folder, they get the sign on screen to join oxwall?
David A
David A Apr 5 '13
I like how oxwall secures the files of the community from someone stumbling upon them. While I would like more security, hopefully that is on the roadmap. 

However,  I need to get a body of files to the users very quickly. There are about 100 of them. I am looking for a temporary fix.  I was thinking of ftping them to a folder and then,  creating a quick html page pointing to the files.   I think I would have to leave the folder so it was not password protected, but I am not sure.

I was thinking, if this folder was within the oxwall installation folder, it might be a little more secure.