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500.phtml When setting up the forum [On Hold] | Forum

Daniel O'Sullivan
Daniel O'Sullivan Apr 5 '13
So I've just got my site working again, finally and now everything seems to work okay other than the forum. Now at first the forum was working good right up until I started adding new categories or well I added one new category in the General section and for some reason when I hit save the page didn't reload.
Hitting save again the page reloaded and gave me a 500.phtml internal server error.

I have tried deactivating and re-activating the forum but that didn't help at all as well as I had tried re-naming it. I have no deactivated again until I can get the problem sorted out.

I have also noticed that I get the same error message when trying to edit the theme.

Edit ~
Was also wondering how I'd be able to install a Skysa toolbar?
The Forum post is edited by Alia Apr 8 '13
Alia Team
Alia Apr 8 '13
Daniel O'Sullivan, have you tried enabling DEBUG mode to see the real error?
Daniel O'Sullivan
Daniel O'Sullivan Apr 8 '13
I have done so though it hadn't given me an explanation of the error nor why it was caused but eh shortly after that I had an email from the host saying that they had cased bug reports on the server and that all accounts/services were affected. So I'm thinking this wasn't an Oxwall issue but rather a server issue, I've done a backup and downloaded it so tomorrow now the host will be re-installing the server. So, I'll upload the backup tomorrow evening and see what happens then.