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Topic location: Forum home » Development » Themes
Rainier Sotelo
Rainier Sotelo Apr 6 '13

Kindly please advise how to replace "YOUR WEBSITE NAME" (Logo) with my own design logo?

Owen Bick
Owen Bick Apr 7 '13
If a theme has "Your Website Name" on it, you simply cannot add a logo. But, if your theme says "Your Logo Here", you can add a custom logo.
Alia Team
Alia Apr 8 '13
Rainier Sotelo, depends on your theme.
If in admin panel>>edit theme you have an option to upload your logo, then feel free to do so from admin panel.

If you don't have this option, you will need to upload your logo under "Graphics" section of admin panel>>appearance>>edit theme. And then edit .html file of your theme under ow_themes/yourthemename/ ( dndindex.html and general.html) to display uploaded logo.
Rainier Sotelo
Rainier Sotelo Apr 8 '13
Hello Aliia,

Many thanks for your kind reply.

I already upload my logo under "Graphics". Please advise where to go to from here to edit my .html file to display uploaded logo.

Igor Apr 8 '13
Rainier Sotelo, I am not sure which theme you are using. But here are exact steps: 

1. go to ow_themes folder via FTP or control panel. 

2. within ow_themes folder find folder with the name of your currently active theme.

3. within the folder with your theme's name open master_pages folder.

4. edit general.html and dndindex.html files 

Basically ( all depends on your theme), you should see following piece of code in both .html files mentioned above: 

<div class="ow_site_panel">{component class='BASE_CMP_Console'}<div class="ow_logo_wrap"><a href="{$siteUrl}">{$siteName}</a></div></div>

Try replacing :

<div class="ow_logo_wrap"><a href="{$siteUrl}">{$siteName}</a></div>


<div class="ow_logo_wrap"><a href="{$siteUrl}"> <img src="full-path-to-uploaded-logo-here"></a></div>

Alia Team
Alia Apr 8 '13
Topic was moved from General Questions.
Rainier Sotelo
Rainier Sotelo Apr 8 '13
Hello Igor,

I am using Minimalistic - Soft theme, http://riva.gajus.lt/index.
Kяuncн Leader
Kяuncн Apr 20 '13
I say forget all the BS w/changing at cPanel theme...

.ow_logo_wrap a {
display: none;}

.ow_logo_wrap {
background: url("http://oi38.tinypic.com/2zhlbb6.jpg") no-repeat scroll left 45px transparent;
height: 144px;}

.ow_site_panel {
background: url("http://riva.gajus.lt/...oft/images/topbg.png") repeat-x scroll 0 0 transparent;
height: 140px;}

You will of course change the heights to accommodate which ever Logo image you choose to use...

Sample as follows:

Image Source

Quote from Rainier Sotelo Hello,

Kindly please advise how to replace "YOUR WEBSITE NAME" (Logo) with my own design logo?


brookkelly Feb 23 '23
Rainier Sotelo currently your logo isn't good for business and marketing, logo design is very important for awareness your brand, recently i am starting a product selling on google, so i need web designer and logo designer, then i was hired Logo Design Company, they provide me professional team, and complete my website design and logo design on time, and delivered on time ,