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Group messages in newsfeed | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Support » General Questions
Shreya Tili
Shreya Tili Apr 8 '13
We have a number of groups and some of them are quite active.

The problem is that when a message gets posted in a group, it doesn't appear in the newsfeed on the homepage so there is no way of knowing what is happening in the group unless and until you click on it.

Out of sight, out of mind so many of our members don't even visit the groups because they don't realise there is communication taking place in those parts of the website.

Is there a way we can include latest group postings in the newsfeed or somewhere on the homepage?
Alia Team
Alia Apr 8 '13
Shreya, 2 solutions.

1. requires custom code modification.
And I can't tell what exactly and where needs to be done since this is quite complex.

2. what about switching "main" page with "user dashboard page".
Make user's dashboard the first page- landing one. Newsfeed on user's dashboard shows activity within the group user is involved into. So, this might work for you.

But this solution will work only if user is member of the group.

Alia Team
Alia Apr 8 '13
This is quite  confusing, let me know if you need more detailed info. )
Shreya Tili
Shreya Tili Apr 9 '13
The problem with switching to user dashboard as homepage is that it will still exclude those who are not group members. The idea is to get members and non-members know what is going on in groups.