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Gender of new users is always Female | Forum

Colin MacKinnon
Colin MacKinnon Apr 9 '13
Is it just me, or is there a significance that all the new users, some verified, some not are Female.  Is this a function of the bot or spammers trying to join?  Inspection of the usernames and email addresses is also very strange with many male names appearing in one or both.  Any ideas, anyone?

Also, have installed antispammer and it helps a bit, but the traffic hitting the site is beyond belief with most traffic coming from hotmail addresses.
The Forum post is edited by Colin MacKinnon Apr 9 '13
MarkieMark67 Apr 9 '13
This is what I did.

All of my members that sign up and verify. They can't do anything but read posts. till I change the user role. 

I have my members Roles set so that they can see but not post. It's strange but it has really helped.

Colin MacKinnon
Colin MacKinnon Apr 11 '13
Thanks.  I'll try it.
Colin MacKinnon
Colin MacKinnon Apr 12 '13
We turned off join completely.  the whole spammer things is just nuts.  Its really a sad comment on the state of the Internet that so many people are abusing well-meaning sites.  All we want to do is give people a forum for educational ideas and free resources and it all get crapped up with  . . .

Its very discouraging. 

We also turned on the flash screen with a message about emailing to join.  My guess is that there will be little if any interest until we grow the SEO and backlinks.

Any other ideas for validating users would be appreciated.
Alia Team
Alia Apr 15 '13
Colin,  some suggestions:

1. Use FB connect only instead of join.

2. Use one of the anti-spam plugins available on the store.

3.  Turn on "Mandatory user approve".

4. Make a couple of fields including "upload avatar" required.
Colin MacKinnon
Colin MacKinnon Apr 16 '13
Thanks for the suggestions.  We are discouraged enough with the whole spamming ting that we've made the site "private" for now.  And as we suspected, no one is taking the time to send an email to join.  This tells us that our only purpose at this point is feeding spammers and that whole devious reward system.  As soon as we complete our secure login and user verification, we will open the site back up.

Its a sad comment on where the Internet has come.
Karen Apr 19 '13
I'll second to what Aliia said. Even I was facing the same problem. To overcome this I started using FB connect and Twitter join only for registration.