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jquery-1.5.0 not supported in IE9 for fbconnect | Forum

Puzzler Apr 19 '11
If you use facebook.connect on the IE9 it does not work with the current jquery-1.5.0 ... dirty hack is: copy the jquery-1.5.2 over it... have not faced problems with it so far!
Den Team
Den Apr 20 '11
Thanks for report Puzzler! We will add 1.5.2 on next core update.
Michael Leader
Michael Apr 20 '11
Can you explain more on how to do the "dirty hack"
Puzzler Apr 21 '11
michael, you download the jquery-1.5.2 and just OVERRIDE the existing 1.5.0 in its directory...
Michael Leader
Michael Apr 23 '11
Right I am being a dip!
I have downloaded jquery but where do I stick it?
The Forum post is edited by Michael Apr 23 '11
Michael Leader
Michael May 5 '11
Den Team
Den May 9 '11
1.5 version of jquery was included in 1.1.2 version. Just update your platform to this version :)
Michael Leader
Michael May 9 '11
1.1.2? Is this new? Not even set as a download!
Den Team
Den May 10 '11
LOL my fault :) I mean 1.1.1
Michael Leader
Michael May 10 '11
I use 1.1.1 and I get a message when I sign in
{"result":true,"message":"Authentication success, please wait..."}

the site is pointing to /base/user/ajax-sign-in/
By reentering in my URL I am signed in.
That is what I am experiencing. Worked fine in IE8 and is fine in firefox...
(Dont like IE9 but some users will use it so I gotta conform)
Den Team
Den May 11 '11
Got it. Will fix in next update :)
Michael Leader
Michael May 22 '11
I am getting a few users with this problem. Is there anything I can do as a workaround?

One particular user cannot make comments on ANY browser. It is loacl to his machine! Mine works 100%
Den Team
Den May 23 '11
It is necessary to include jquery 1.6.1 except 1.5
But new version of jquery require to modify some plugin's JS code. That's why I don't advise you to do it.
Michael Leader
Michael May 23 '11
Ok but my main problem here is that I hAve discovered a member who is using the same version of ie, chrome and firefox as me. They look to be set the same as mine but I cannot on their pc submit text etc but on my pc all works fine. He is missing something on his pc. He says he has updated java and .net. The problem is local to him.

What could cause that? What have I missed?
Den Team
Den May 23 '11
Sorry, but with these details it is difficult to say what the problem is. You can install firebug extension on firefox and find out an actual JS error on his PC. I can give more details with this JS error message :)
Michael Leader
Michael May 24 '11
I will do that! Very soooon!
Michael Leader
Michael Jun 15 '11
Oops I forgot!
As it happens I have another user now that has no functionality.
Any news on the update fix?
Den Team
Den Jun 16 '11
Yes, we are hard working for new update. Here is some news :)
Julio Marchi
Julio Marchi Jun 19 '11
Hello guys,

I've opened another thread about jQuery 1.5.0 vs IE9 here: http://www.oxwall.org/forum/topic/1377

I've done it because I believe it should be tested most extensively before anyone can claim that jQuery 1.6.1 will damage some plugins. In fact, I have a OxWall 1.1.1 installation running with jQuery 1.6.1 in http://www.friendlyground.com and so far I haven't identified any issue whatsoever in any functionality of any plugin (I have almost all of them installed). Of course that I am only one for testings, and that's why I am calling for others who may want to try it. After all, you don't want your site to look bad in IE9, do you?

In the aforementioned thread I've added a quick and easy (and more than obvious) method for anyone to make the OxWall installation use the jQuery 1.6.1 instead of 1.5.0 without changing one simple line of code anywhere.

Read the post and help if you can. Lots of IE9 users will now be able to use your OxWall site as well.

Best Regards.

Julio Marchi
The Forum post is edited by Julio Marchi Jun 19 '11
carson Jun 8 '24
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